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File #: 25-136    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Multi-Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/31/2025 Departments: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT 3
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Ratification of the following resolutions honoring and commending: Matthew Clark for his service on the Granada Community Services District Board of Directors; Ron Collins for his service on the San Carlos City Council; Jen Wolosin for her service on the Menlo Park City Council; Chris Shaw for his service on the Woodside Town Council; Ned Fluet for his service on the Woodside Town Council; Maria Doerr for her service on the Menlo Park City Council; Jeff Aalfs for his service on the Portola Valley Town Council; Sarah Wenikoff for her service on the Portola Valley Town Council; Sophia Layne for her service on the Cabrillo Unified School District Board of Trustees; Kimberly Hines for her service on the Cabrillo Unified School District Board of Trustees; Joaqu?n Jim?nez for his service on the Half Moon Bay City Council; Harvey Rarback for his service on the Half Moon Bay City Council; Don Eaton as founder of the San Carlos Week of the Family; Cori Carpenter as 2024 San Carlan of the Year; ...
Sponsors: Ray Mueller
Attachments: 1. 20250225_hr_MatthewClark.pdf, 2. 20250225_hr_Ron Collins.pdf, 3. 20250225_hr_JenWolosin.pdf, 4. 20250225_hr_ChrisShaw.pdf, 5. 20250225_hr_NedFluet.pdf, 6. 20250225_hr_MariaDoerr.pdf, 7. 20250225_hr_JeffAalfs.pdf, 8. 20250225_hr_SarahWernikoff.pdf, 9. 20250225_hr_SophiaLayne.pdf, 10. 20250225_hr_KimberlyHines.pdf, 11. 20250225_hr_JoaquinJimenez.pdf, 12. 20250225_hr_HarveyRarback.pdf, 13. 20250225_hr_Don Eaton Resolution.pdf, 14. 20250225_hr_Cori Carpenter Resolution.pdf, 15. 20250225_hr_Debbie Denton Resolution.pdf, 16. 20250225_hr_Reach & Teach Resolution.pdf, 17. 20250225_hr_Each Green Corner Resolution.pdf
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Ratification of the following resolutions honoring and commending: Matthew Clark for his service on the Granada Community Services District Board of Directors; Ron Collins for his service on the San Carlos City Council; Jen Wolosin for her service on the Menlo Park City Council; Chris Shaw for his service on the Woodside Town Council; Ned Fluet for his service on the Woodside Town Council; Maria Doerr for her service on the Menlo Park City Council; Jeff Aalfs for his service on the Portola Valley Town Council; Sarah Wenikoff for her service on the Portola Valley Town Council; Sophia Layne for her service on the Cabrillo Unified School District Board of Trustees; Kimberly Hines for her service on the Cabrillo Unified School District Board of Trustees; Joaquín Jiménez for his service on the Half Moon Bay City Council; Harvey Rarback for his service on the Half Moon Bay City Council; Don Eaton as founder of the San Carlos Week of the Family; Cori Carpenter as 2024 San Carlan of the Year; Debbie Denton as 2024 San Carlan of the Year; Reach & Teach as 2024 Business of the Year; and Each Green Corner as 2024 Non-profit of the Year.