Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Cassius Lockett, PhD, Director, Public Health, Policy, and Planning
Subject: Amendments to the Agreements with Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA and with the 20 Cities of the County to Continue Providing Animal Control and Shelter Services for San Mateo County
Adopt a resolution authorizing amendments to the agreements with:
A) Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA to continue to provide animal control and shelter services for San Mateo County, extending the term by one year through June 30, 2021, and increasing the amount by $6,625,381 to an amount not to exceed $38,056,663, and;
B) The 20 cities of the County to continue the facilitation and coordination of animal control and licensing services, extending the term by one year through June 30, 2021.
For approximately 50 years, the County has contracted with Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA (PHS) for animal control services, serving cities and unincorporated areas of the County. Each of 20 cities' contract with the County pays for PHS' services.
On June 2, 2015, the Board approved an agreement with PHS for shelter and field animal control services for the entire County and approved the corresponding agreement with the 20 cities (Cities).
Due to emerging and evolving circumstances, the County, Cities and PHS wish to extend the Animal Control Services' contract for an additional year through June 30, 2021. The County and Cities agreed to develop and release a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an Animal Control Services' Provider during this extended contract time. Additionally, since the land and shelter are now both owned by the County, the contract amendment will remove the language about PHS leasing the land from the County.
A corresponding agreement between the County and Cities is als...
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