Special Notice / Hearing: None
Vote Required: 4/5th
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Rocio Kiryczun, Human Resources Director
Subject: Donations for the County of San Mateo Jobs for Youth Al Teglia Scholarship Trust Fund
Adopt a resolution accepting donations for the County of San Mateo Jobs for Youth Al Teglia Scholarship Endowment Fund.
The Al Teglia Scholarship Fund, part of the County of San Mateo Jobs for Youth (JFY) program, was established in 2005 to assist youth ages 16-21 in attaining a postsecondary education. To date, JFY has provided $468,000 in Scholarship money to deserving youth throughout the County, including awards given on May 23, 2024, to 20 new Scholars at $2,000 each. The Scholarship program is entirely funded by donations and grants; all monies received are held in the Scholarship Trust Fund, which is exclusively used to fund Scholarships. Jobs for Youth receives Scholarship donations and grants throughout the fiscal year but sees an uptick in contributions every Spring in the months leading up to our annual Scholar Celebration Fundraiser.
In the 2023-24 Fiscal Year, Jobs for Youth has thus far received donations and grant awards ranging from $20 to $10,000. As per County Administrative Memorandum B-3 (Subject: Gifts), Jobs for Youth hereby submits all donations and grants received to date in amounts over $2,500 for review by this Board of Supervisors.
Donations pending review are as follows: $4,000 from the City of Menlo Park; $4,000 from the Town of Colma; $4,000 from the Sares Regis Foundation, $8,000 from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company; and $10,000 from the Woodlawn Foundation.
The attached resolution honors the donors who make the Jobs for Youth Al Teglia Scholarship program possible. In addition, the resolution is the vehicle by which the Board of Supervisors formally accepts the financial donations to the Scholarship Endowment Fund.
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