Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors (Acting as the Board of Commissioners for the Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo)
From: Raymond Hodges, Executive Director, Housing Authority
Subject: Moving to Work Agreement Amendment
Acting as the Governing Board of Commissioners for the Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo, adopt a resolution authorizing the Executive Director or designee of the Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo to execute an amendment to Attachment C of the Housing Authority's Moving To Work Standard Agreement.
From 2017 to 2018, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") Office of Inspector General ("OIG") performed a review of an early Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) conversion at a Moving to Work ("MTW") agency. The OIG found that the Office of Public and Indian Housing ("PIH") had approved the MTW agency's MTW Annual Plan which included an activity to waive independent-entity inspections for Public Housing Authority ("PHA")-owned or managed Project-Based Voucher ("PBV") and Housing Choice Voucher ("HCV") properties. According to the OIG's September 28, 2018 report, the Standard MTW Agreement does not provide the authorizing citations to waive an independent entity inspection since Section 8(o)(11) of the 1937 Housing Act was not included. Therefore, the OIG asserted that the approval was not legally valid.
PIH believes that the language and intent of the Standard MTW Agreement, Attachment C, Sections D.1.f., D.5., D.7.a. and D.7.d, in particular, provide the necessary authority to waive the PBV and HCV independent-entity inspection regulations.
To provide clarity and to resolve the OIG finding, PIH has agreed to offer an amendment of the Standard MTW Agreement to all 39 MTW agencies to clarify that the exemption from the independent-entity inspecti...
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