Special Notice / Hearing: 14-Day Notice, Public Hearing
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors, sitting as the Governing Board of County Service Area No. 8
From: Carolyn Bloede, Director, Sustainability Department
Subject: Adoption of the Garbage and Recyclables Collection Service Charges Report for County Service Area No. 8 (North Fair Oaks) for Fiscal Year 2024-25
Acting as the Governing Board of County Service Area No. 8, conduct a public hearing:
A) Open public hearing
B) Close public hearing
C) Adopt a resolution:
1. Adopting the Garbage and Recyclables Collection Service Charges Report for County Service Area No. 8 (North Fair Oaks) for fiscal year 2024-25; and
2. Approving the submittal of the Garbage and Recyclables Collection Service Charges Report for County Service Area No. 8 (North Fair Oaks) for fiscal year 2024-25 with the County Controller by the Director of the Sustainability Department; and
3. Authorizing the Director of the Sustainability Department to refund any overcharges resulting from data, data entry, or computation errors; and
4. Authorizing the Director of the Sustainability Department to revise the Garbage and Recyclables Collection Service Charges Report for County Service Area No. 8 (North Fair Oaks) for fiscal year 2024-25 as a result of any parcel changes received from the County Assessor and/or County Controller before July 31, 2024, and to approve the submittal of the revised Service Charges Report filed with the County Controller.
On October 20, 2009, this Board adopted Resolution No. 070423, which approved a franchise agreement with Recology San Mateo County (Recology) to provide services for the collection of recyclable materials, organic materials, and garbage from January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2020. On June 4, 2019, this Board adopted Resolution No. 076641, approving the amended and restated Recology Franchise Agreement for an addit...
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