Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Christina Corpus, Sheriff
Subject: Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program
Adopt a resolution:
A) Authorizing the Sheriff or Sheriff designee(s) to submit a grant application to the State of California Board of State and Community Corrections for administration of the Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program for the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center to combat organized retail theft through intelligence and information sharing in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000; and
B) Authorizing the Sheriff, Sheriff designee(s), and the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center Executive Director to execute on behalf of the County of San Mateo all materials required under the grant application package, including but not limited to, applications, reimbursement requests, budget change requests, and grant assurances, for the purpose of securing and expending funds that may be awarded pursuant to the grant application, and implementing and carrying out the purposes specified in the grant application.
On April 14, 2023, the State of California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) released a funding opportunity for the Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program. With the region's increase in organized retail theft, these grant funds will enhance the capabilities of the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) to combat this increase through intelligence and information sharing.
The State of California BSCC requires all grant applicants to submit a resolution from its Governing Board that delegates authority to the Sheriff to execute the grant agreement.
The Sheriff's Office is requesting this Board to authorize the Sheriff or Sheriff designee(s) to submit a grant application to the State of California BSCC for the Organized Retail Thef...
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