Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Subject: Elevator On-Call Consultant Agreements with Gannett Fleming Inc., dba Vertical Transportation Excellence and Van Deusen & Associates, Inc.
Adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) On-call Agreements with Gannett Fleming Inc., dba Vertical Transportation Excellence and Van Deusen & Associates, Inc., for elevator consulting services at various County facilities, for a term of June 6, 2017 through June 5, 2020, for a not-to-exceed amount of $300,000 per agreement and a total maximum fiscal obligation of $600,000; and
B) The Director of Public Works to execute subsequent change orders to modify the number of elevators serviced and other minor modifications in the types of services and activities and payment up to a maximum aggregate amount not-to-exceed $25,000 per agreement.
The Facilities Services Division has been experiencing issues with all of the building elevators. It was determined, due to the age of many of the vertical transportation devices, it would be best to retain an on-call, multi-service elevator consulting professionals; specializing in design, modernization, contract maintenance, analysis of elevators, and escalators.
The Department of Public Works' Facilities, Maintenance and Operations Section is responsible for contracting with an elevator maintenance service provider to maintain 56 elevators and two (2) escalators throughout the County.
In October 2016, the Department issued a Request for Qualifications, which complied with the County's formal Request for Proposal process, seeking vertical transportation consulting service providers with expertise in all areas of existing in place and new vertical transportation, design, construction, modification, service, and maintenance. Three consulting firms submitted their proposals. Th...
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