Special Notice / Hearing: None
Vote Required: 4/5ths
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Executive
Justin Mates, Deputy County Executive
Ken Cole, Director, Human Services Agency
Subject: Measure K: Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request for the Guaranteed Income Pilot Program for Transitional Age Foster Youth
Measure K: Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) transferring Measure K funding from Non-Departmental Services in the amount of $732,153 for the San Mateo County Guaranteed Income Pilot Program for Transitional Age Foster Youth (Pilot Program) and receive a report on the recommendations of the Ending Poverty in California Report.
On January 17, 2023, the Board received a presentation regarding guaranteed income projects in the county, and the Board created an ad hoc committee comprised of Supervisors Canepa and Corzo to further study the issue and return to the Board with recommendations. Staff has since been working with the committee to develop a County-operated guaranteed income pilot focusing on transitional age foster youth, as described below.
Assembly Bill (AB) 12 was enacted on January 1, 2012, allowing foster youth in California to receive extended foster care services from age 18 until 21 to better prepare foster youth for successful independent adulthood. These foster youth are known as "Non-Minor Dependents." The first few years in a young person's life following adulthood are a critical transitional period when many young people invest in their futures, and AB 12 recognizes that former foster youth face additional barriers during this time and can benefit from additional supports. Currently, all eligible San Mateo County foster youth opt in to receive extended foster care services under AB 12. Although AB 12 has improved outcomes, San Mateo County Non-Minor Dependents face unique economic challenges due to the high cost of li...
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