Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Steve Monowitz, Community Development Director
Subject: Consideration of amendments to the San Mateo County Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map to allow mixed use development along El Camino Real and 5th Avenue in North Fair Oaks, add a new Design Review and Site Development Permit chapter (Chapter 29), and designate properties currently zoned General Commercial/S-1 Overlay (C 2/S-1), Neighborhood Business District/S-1 Overlay (C-1/S-1), and Parking (P) as Commercial Mixed Use-1 (CMU-1), Commercial Mixed Use-2 (CMU-2), or Neighborhood Mixed Use-El Camino Real (NMU-ECR) (Chapters 29.1, 29.2, and 29.3).
Adopt an ordinance amending the zoning regulations to add the Commercial Mixed Use-1 (CMU-1) (Chapter 29.1), Commercial Mixed Use-2 (CMU-2) (Chapter 29.2), and Neighborhood Mixed Use-El Camino Real (NMU-ECR) (Chapter 29.3) zones; apply the new zones to parcels along the portions of El Camino Real and 5th Avenue in unincorporated North Fair Oaks, San Mateo County, located between the City of Redwood City border and Town of Atherton border along El Camino Real and between El Camino Real and the Caltrain Rail corridor along 5th Avenue, including related zoning map amendments, and add a new Design Review and Site Development Permit chapter (Chapter 29) to implement the new zoning, and waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety.
The proposed zoning will facilitate redevelopment of the El Camino Real and 5th Avenue with projects that harmonize with the neighborhood and provide much needed housing. The zoning is designed to incentivize affordable housing and mixed use development allowing a medium to high density of land uses, including a mix of multi-family residential and local- and regionally-oriented commercial and institutional uses. The development and design standards ensure that new developm...
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