Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: John L. Maltbie, County Manager
Subject: Butano Channel Restoration and Resilience Project and Tunitas Creek Beach Acquisition
Approve resolutions:
A) In support of a $4 million funding request to the County's state delegation for the Butano Channel Restoration and Resilience Project; and
B) In support of a $2 million funding request to the County's state delegation for the acquisition of a private property at Tunitas Creek Beach.
The Board of Supervisors is seeking State assistance for the implementation of two regionally significant coastal resource projects to protect safe public access and threatened natural resources in the unincorporated South Coast of San Mateo County: 1) Butano Channel Restoration and Resilience Project working with the San Mateo Resource Conservation District (SMRCD); and 2) the Tunitas Creek Beach private property acquisition working with the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST).
Butano Channel Restoration and Resilience Project
In its current condition, Butano Creek frequently exceeds its channel capacity and subsequently flows across its floodplain to the east and then overtops Pescadero Creek during low magnitude, frequently occurring flood events. This frequent flooding has impacted access to the unincorporated community of Pescadero for several decades and poses a safety hazard to both residents and visitors to this coastal community. In addition to the well-documented flooding issues along lower Butano Creek, downstream of Pescadero Creek Road, the creek drains into Pescadero Marsh, which is considered a critical ecological system that is home to a variety of federally and state protected fish and wildlife species. The current condition of the crossing and the sediment impacted reach directly downstream resulting in a significant passage impediment to...
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