Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Supervisor Don Horsley, District 3
Subject: Appointment to the Civil Service Commission
Recommendation for the appointment of Ann Marie Silvestri, representing District 3 on the San Mateo County Civil Service Commission for an initial term.
The Civil Service Commission consists of five members appointed by the Board of Supervisors with one member from each supervisorial district. Traditionally, each member of the Board of Supervisors has selected the Commissioner from their supervisorial district, subject to the approval of the entire Board of Supervisors.
Ann Marie Silvestri is a San Carlos resident, having lived in District 3 since 1979. She worked for over 15 years for the San Mateo Medical Center as the Dental Program Manager. This personal experience gave her insight into bargaining units and employee/employer relations. Ann Marie’s forte has been bringing health care to the under and non-insured members of the San Mateo County community and she will bring a fair and open view to the tasks she faces as a member of the Civil Service Commission.
Pursuant to Section 504 of the County Charter, appointments to the Civil Service Commission are for four-year terms. This four-year term will take effect upon approval of this appointment.