Special Notice / Hearing: None
Vote Required: Majority.
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise Rogers, Chief, Health System
Chester J. Kunnappilly, MD, Chief Executive Officer, San Mateo Medical Center
Subject: Agreement with Chris Threatt, MD Inc., a Professional Medical Co., Doing Business as Sequoia Urology Center.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Contractor name change, an extension of the agreement with Chris Threatt, MD, Inc. a Professional Medical Co., doing business as Sequoia Urology Center, to provide portable laser equipment, supplies, and technician services for an additional three years from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2023, and to increase the amount not to exceed $2,438,352.
San Mateo Medical Center (SMMC), unlike most hospitals in the area, does not own lasers or equipment for the treatment of urology ailments such as kidney or bladder stones or strictures. Therefore, this equipment must be leased from outside sources. Since June 2013, Sequoia Urology Center has been providing the lasers, support staff, and disposables used in urology procedures in a prompt, professional manner, at a savings to the County.
SMMC has a continuous need for both sonic and laser equipment. Sequoia Urology Center is the sole provider of on premise leased laser equipment in the area. This enables SMMC's urologists to maintain consistency and quality of care by providing access to the equipment and a certified technician 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Therefore, SMMC is requesting a waiver of the Request for Proposals process.
The resolution contains the County's standard provisions allowing amendment of the County fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate).
The agreement and resolution have been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form.
It is anticipated that a certified technician will be on-call 24 hours a day, 7 ...
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