Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Scott Gilman, Director, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Subject: Measure K: Agreement with TALK: Teaching and Assessing Language for Kids for Alternative Therapy Services
Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with TALK: Teaching and Assessing Language for Kids for alternative therapy services, for the term July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $510,000.
TALK: Teaching and Assessing Language for Kids (TALK) provides intensive, individualized speech and language assessment, treatment and consultation services to children 12 months to 21 years old. Services are unique to the specific need and developmental level of each child, support the healthy development of speech and language, and address a range of sensorimotor and self-regulation issues that these children often struggle with. Functional, measurable goals developed for each client target improvement of communication and self-regulation, resulting in a reduction of emotional outbursts, anxiety, and depression. These critical services are not typically covered by insurance, and not affordable to Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) clients.
TALK will provide intensive and individualized alternative therapy services up to four times per week, to children with speech, voice, social, and developmental disorders. Through the Neurosequential Model Therapy Program, BHRS is more readily able to identify children with speech and language sensory deficits, thus making it easier for staff to make the necessary referrals for this intervention. These services are not: 1) provided by schools through an Individualized Education Plan; 2) covered by insurance; and hence affordable to most families.
Under the B-1 Administrative Memorandum, ...
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