Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Ann M. Stillman, Director of Public Works
Subject: Amendment to the agreement with Mark Thomas and Company, Inc.
Adopt a resolution waiving the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Mark Thomas and Company, Inc., increasing the amount by $500,000 to an amount not to exceed $700,000 and extending the term through May 31, 2028.
On July 8, 2022, the County Executive's Office issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to form an expanded pool of grant writers in response to a continuing need for grant writing services by County Departments. On August 8, 2022, the consultant firm of Mark Thomas and Company, Inc. (Mark Thomas) submitted a proposal and became part of the County's expanded pool of grant writers. On June 1, 2023, the Department of Public Works (Department) entered into an agreement with Mark Thomas to provide project funding strategies and to develop grant applications for the Department on an on-call basis in a not-to-exceed amount of $200,000 and term from June 1, 2023 through May 31, 2026.
The agreement with Mark Thomas was through the RFQ process and not a formal solicitation, which is required for agreements over $200,000. To amend the current agreement and increase the not-to-exceed amount by $500,000, the Department recommends waiving the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The recommendation to waive the RFP process is based on the work performed by Mark Thomas under the agreement and the familiarity Mark Thomas has with the types of grants the Department will continue to pursue. Mark Thomas has provided recommendations for project funding strategies and grant writing services to help the Department and County apply for and secure multiple grant funding opportunities.
The following table provides an overview of the projects, ...
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