Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Claire Cunningham, Director, Human Services Agency
Subject: Application and Acceptance of Funding Allocation for the Transitional Housing Program and Housing Navigator Maintenance Program from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development
Adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) The County apply for and accept County's allocation award, as detailed in the Transitional Housing Program (THP) Allocation Acceptance Form, in the amount not to exceed $166,567 as detailed and authorized in the THP Allocation Acceptance Form at the time this resolution is executed and authorized; and
B) The County's affirmation that if THP funds remain available for allocation after the deadline for submitting a signed Allocation Acceptance Form, and if the County is eligible for an additional allocation from the remaining funds for the THP program, the County is hereby authorized and directed to accept this additional allocation of funds ("Additional THP Allocation") up to the amount authorized by Department of Housing and Community Development ("Department") but not to exceed $333,134; and
C) The County apply for and accept County's allocation award in the amount not to exceed $60,828 as detailed in the Housing Navigator Maintenance Program (HNMP) Allocation Acceptance Form at the time this resolution is executed and authorized; and
D) The County's affirmation that if HNMP funds remain available for allocation after the deadline for submitting a signed Allocation Acceptance Form, and if the County is eligible for an additional allocation from the remaining funds for the HNMP program, the County is hereby authorized and directed to accept this additional allocation of funds ("Additional HNMP Allocation") up to the amount authorized by the Department but not to exceed $121,656; and
E) The Human Services Agency Director, ...
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