Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: President Dave Pine, District 1
David Canepa, Supervisor, District 5
Subject: Criteria for Award of District-Discretionary Measure K Funds
Measure K: Approve district-discretionary criteria and direct staff to administer funds in accordance therewith.
Measure K is the half-cent general sales tax initially approved by San Mateo County voters in November 2012 and extended in November 2016 for a total of thirty years.
In preparation for the upcoming FY 2019-21 budget cycle, the Board of Supervisors ("Board") appointed an ad-hoc subcommittee consisting of President Pine and Supervisor Canepa to, among other things, work with staff to facilitate the Board's development of Measure K priorities and continuing initiatives for FY 2019-21. Study sessions for the full Board will be scheduled in early 2019 with respect to the Board's determination of ongoing Measure K priorities and initiatives. It is anticipated that those priorities will be finalized in the Spring 2019 in advance of the development of the FY 2019-21 recommended budget.
In connection with the above-referenced efforts, the subcommittee reviewed the Board's current processes regarding the award of district-discretionary Measure K funds (also referenced as the "district-specific" funds). This memo provides information regarding the attached recommended criteria for Measure K district-discretionary grants and contracts. The recommended criteria are brought to the full Board at this time so that they can go into effect for the second half of the current fiscal year.
The Board initially approved criteria for award of district-discretionary Measure K funds in April 2015 for the FY 2015-17 budget cycle. On May 16, 2017, following study sessions and community outreach efforts to inform priorities for FY 2017-19 Measure K spendin...
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