Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Subject: Reconstruction of Croner Avenue - West Menlo Park area [County Project RW805; Project File No. E4985000]
Adopt a resolution:
A) Adopting plans and specifications, including conformance with prevailing wage scale requirements for the reconstruction of Croner Avenue from Orange Avenue to the City of Menlo Park limit near North Lemon Avenue - West Menlo Park Area; and
B) Authorizing the Director of Public Works to call for sealed proposals to be received by Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., in the office of the County Manager/Clerk of the Board of Supervisors; and
C) Authorizing the Director of Public Works to extend the call for bids and bid opening up to sixty (60) calendar days beyond the time and date originally set forth by the Board of Supervisors.
On August 19, 1997, your Board adopted Resolution Nos. 061312 and 061313, which established minimum road standard options and a priority list for road improvements in the West Menlo Park area.
On May 18, 1999, your Board adopted Resolution No. 062821, which adopted procedures to be used by the Department to determine if property owners want minimum road improvements constructed on a specific street and the minimum road standard to be used in the design of the road improvements.
On January 7, 2003, your Board adopted Resolution Nos. 065763 and 065764, which revised the type of curbing to be used in conjunction with minimum road standards in the West Menlo Park area and revised the procedures for determining minimum road standard options, respectively.
Croner Avenue from Orange Avenue to the City of Menlo Park limit near North Lemon Avenue is the next street on the West Menlo Park area road improvement priority list. The Department surveyed all property owners along the street to determine ...
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