Adopt a resolution amending Board of Retirement Regulation Section 7.3 (D), adding 7.3 (F) to Section 7.3 Service Credit Available For Purchase By Active Members, renumbering existing Sections 7.3 (F)(1) and (F)(2) to Sections 7.3 (G)(1) and (G)(2), adding Section 7.3 (G)(3), renumbering existing Sections 7.3 (F)(3) and (F)(4) to Sections 7.3 (H) and 7.3 (I), amending Sections 7.4 (B) and 7.4 (C) to Section 7.4 Payment Options, and amending Section 7.5 (E) Redeposit of Previously Withdrawn Contributions in Article VII Purchase of Credit for Public Service.