Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Steve Monowitz, Community Development Director
Subject: Ordinance amending the County's Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations applicable to the County's Coastal Zone, Chapter 22.5.1 of the County Zoning Regulations, and amending Section 3.22 of the County's Local Coastal Program, to comply with recent changes to State law and resolution directing staff
County File Number: PLN 2020-00144
Recommendation to:
A) Adopt an ordinance amending the County Ordinance Code, Division Vi, Part One (Zoning Regulations) Chapter 22.5.1 (Accessory Dwelling Units - Coastside) and amending Section 3.22 of the County's Local Coastal Program, previously introduced at the September 23, 2020 Planning Commission meeting, and waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety; and
B) Adopt a resolution directing submittal of the updated Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations, Chapter 22.5.1 of the County Zoning Regulations, and amendments to the County's Local Coastal Program, to the California Coastal Commission for review and certification.
On September 15, 2020, the Board of Supervisors adopted various updates to the County's Second Unit Regulations (Chapter 22.5 of the Zoning Regulations, now re-titled "Accessory Dwelling Unit" regulations). These updates were intended to bring the County's regulations for accessory dwelling units outside the County's Coastal zone into compliance with State law, and, consistent with the State's mandate, to facilitate production of second units in unincorporated San Mateo County.
Those updates divided the County's regulations regarding ADUs into two chapters of the Zoning Regulations: Chapter 22.5, applicable to ADUs outside the Coastal Zone, and Chapter 22.5.1, applicable to ADUs inside the Coastal Zone. Chapter 22.5 was comprehensively updated to comply with State law. The currently prop...
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