Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Lisa Mancini, Director, Aging and Adult Services
Subject: Amendment to the Agreement with San Mateo Community Health Authority dba Health Plan of San Mateo to Provide Health Benefits to Independent Providers of the In-Home Supportive Services Program
Acting as the Governing Board of the Public Authority, adopt a resolution waiving the request for proposal process and authorizing an amendment to the agreement with San Mateo Community Health Authority, dba Health Plan of San Mateo, to extend the agreement through December 31, 2019 to provide health benefits to independent providers of the In-Home Supportive Services program and to increase the amount by $4,500,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $16,500,000.
In 1993, the Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance establishing the Public Authority (PA) as the legal entity to administer the provider component of the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program. The ordinance also designated San Mateo County Board of Supervisors as the PA's Governing Board (Board). The mission of IHSS is to assist eligible elderly, blind, and disabled individuals with remaining in their own homes for as long as safely possible. The program uses independent providers to assist County residents with a wide variety of daily living activities such as: bathing, feeding, preparing meals, and performing certain paramedical services authorized by a physician.
In the years 2000, 2013, 2015, and 2018, the Board adopted Memoranda of Understanding with Service Employees International Union, Local 521 (SEIU521), under which the PA administers salaries and benefits, including health benefits, for the IHSS providers.
In 2001, the Board approved an agreement with Health Plan of San Mateo (HPSM) to provide health benefits through t...
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