Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Supervisor Don Horsley, District 3
Subject: Appointment to the Mosquito and Vector Control District
Recommendation for the appointment of Desiree LaBeaud to the Mosquito and Vector Control District, representing At-Large community, for an initial term ending December 31, 2025.
The Mosquito and Vector Control District’s mission is to safeguard the health and comfort of the citizens of this District through a planned program to reduce mosquitoes and other vectors. Appointments to Vector Control District Boards are dictated by the California Health and Safety Code, Section 2020-2030.
Under California Health and Safety Code, Section 2020-2030, all appointments begin on the first Monday in January and shall be for a term of two or four years.
Desiree LaBeaud will be serving a 4-year term to a seat formerly held by Claudia Mazzetti, who passed away. A professor at Stanford University, Desiree LaBeaud has an expertise in epidemiology and infectious diseases with a unique background in studying mosquito-borne viral diseases. She will offer a specialized contribution, combined with her personal interest in community service, that will benefit the San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District.