Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors, Acting as the Governing Board of the Devonshire County Sanitation District
From: James C. Porter, Department of Public Works
Subject: Sanitary Sewage Conveyance Agreement for Five Properties on Winding Way through the Devonshire County Sanitation District
Acting as the Governing Board of the Devonshire County Sanitation District (DCSD), adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Sanitary Sewage Conveyance Agreement for Five Properties on Winding Way through the Devonshire County Sanitation District between the Devonshire County Sanitation District, City of San Carlos, and Canyon Vista Partners, LLC.
On September 3, 1985, this Board adopted Resolution No. 047249 authoring execution of an "Agreement between the Devonshire County Sanitation District and the City of San Carlos Concerning Operation, Maintenance and Treatment of Sewage." The agreement provides the terms and conditions to allow for the transmission of sewage emanating from the Devonshire County Sanitation District (DCSD) to flow through the City of San Carlos's (City) sewer facilities for treatment and disposal at the Silicon Valley Clean Water (formerly the South Bayside System Authority) treatment plant.
The City approved a five-lot subdivision currently being developed by Canyon Vista Partners, LLC (Owner). The real properties situated in the City known as San Mateo County Assessor Parcel Nos. 049-141-750 (518 Winding Way), 049-141-740 (528 Winding Way), 049-141-730 (538 Winding Way), 049-141-720 (558 Winding Way) and 049-020-010 (521 Winding Way) (Property) require sanitary sewer service and the sanitary sewer system of the City does not currently extend to the Property. The DCSD service area does not include the Property but does have existing sanitary sewer facilities in the vicinity of the Prope...
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