Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Ann M. Stillman, Department of Public Works
Subject: Primary Grant Agreement between the County of San Mateo and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority to receive Measure A and/or Measure W Funds
Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Executive Officer, or designee, to execute a Primary Grant Agreement and subsequent program supplements between the County of San Mateo and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority to receive Measure A and/or Measure W grant funds over the next 10 years.
On June 7, 1998, the voters of San Mateo County approved a ballot measure to allow the collection and distribution by the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) of a half-cent transaction and use tax in San Mateo County for 20 years with the tax revenues to be used for highway and transit improvements pursuant to the Transportation Expenditure Plan presented to the voters, known as the Original Measure A.
On November 2, 2004, the voters of San Mateo County approved the continuation of the collection and distribution by the TA of the Measure A half-cent transaction and use tax for an additional 25 years, known as the New Measure A.
On November 6, 2018, the voters of San Mateo County authorized a new one-half percent sales tax in San Mateo County for transportation purposes, and tasked the TA with administering four of the five transportation program categories, known as Measure W.
The TA administers these funds, providing grants to eligible public agencies, including the County of San Mateo (County), for transportation-related capital and operational projects. The Primary Grant Agreement (PGA) establishes the framework for the County's receipt, use, and reporting of Measure A and Measure W funds, while subsequent project supplements will detail specific project scopes, budgets, and timelines. ...
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