Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Carolyn Bloede, Director, Office of Sustainability
Subject: Amendment to agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the North Fair Oaks Bicycle and Pedestrian Railroad Crossing and Community Connections Study
Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the development of the North Fair Oaks Bicycle and Pedestrian Railroad Crossing and Community Connections Study, increasing the agreement amount by $105,000 to an amount not to exceed $680,000.
On August 3, 2021, with Resolution No. 078353, this Board accepted a $356,163 Sustainable Communities grant from Caltrans and authorized the execution of a grant agreement to provide funding assistance for the North Fair Oaks Bicycle and Pedestrian Railroad Crossing and Community Connections Study (Study). On March 8, 2022, after completing a competitive bidding process through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process, this Board adopted Resolution No. 078765 authorizing the execution of an agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to develop the Study in an amount not to exceed $550,000. This resolution also authorized the Director of the Office of Sustainability (OOS), or the Director's designee, to execute contract amendments modifying the County's maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $25,000.
On May 18, 2022, the OOS Director executed a no-cost Amendment 1 to this agreement to further define payment terms. On January 12, 2023, the OOS Director executed Amendment 2 to increase the agreement amount by $25,000 to an amount not to exceed $575,000. Amendment 2 funded the preparation of a series of additional preliminary bicycle and pedestrian rail crossing alternatives and shifted funding from optional tasks to provide additional renderings for rail crossing alternatives that were advanc...
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