Special Notice / Hearing: None
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: President Don Horsley, District 3
Subject: Establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee to Consider Civilian Oversight for the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office
Recommendation to:
A) Establish an Ad Hoc Committee to research and report on potential civilian oversight for the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office and to work with staff to design and help implement a community engagement process; and
B) Appoint Supervisor Dave Pine and Supervisor Warren Slocum to the Ad Hoc Committee.
A broad-based community request for civilian oversight of the Sheriff’s Office was made in the Spring of 2022, and community members have continued to advocate for such oversight throughout the summer.
In light of the significant interest in and advocacy for such civilian oversight, it is appropriate for the Board to research and evaluate whether such civilian oversight is warranted; to consider various models for civilian oversight; and to develop and implement a community engagement process to allow the Board to receive input from the public regarding this matter.
In order to assist the Board in its consideration of the proposal for civilian oversight of the Sheriff’s Office, I recommend the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee of two members of the Board to do the above-described work and to provide the Board with reports and/or recommendations. Supervisor Pine and Supervisor Slocum have, among others, expressed an interest in the issue at a recent meeting of the Board of Supervisors and I recommend that they be appointed to that Committee. Finally, I recommend that the Board discuss the timing of a study session in the fall of this year at which the Committee can share with the Board as a whole preliminary information regarding possible options for civilian oversight.