Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Steve Monowitz, Community Development Director
Subject: Approval of the Taube Family Carriage House Project and Adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.
Adopt a resolution approving the Taube Family Carriage House Project and adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.
The County Courthouse Museum is owned by San Mateo County but is leased to the San Mateo County Historical Association, which uses the property to operate the San Mateo County Courthouse Museum (History Museum). A lease agreement between the Historical Association and San Mateo County was amended on October 22, 2019 to allow the utilization of the proposed project site for the Carriage House addition, subject to approval from the Board of Supervisors. The addition and associated improvements are intended as part of a single cultural attraction (Museum Block), containing the Courthouse Square, the History Museum (including the new Carriage House addition), and the Lathrop House. The Courthouse building and Lathrop House are both on the National Register of Historic Places. Upon approval by the Board of Supervisors of the Carriage House Project, the Historical Association will need to secure all appropriate approvals from the San Mateo County Building Official and encroachment permits from the County Department of Public Works and Redwood City.
The proposed Carriage House addition ("Project") consists of a 3-story, 14,000 square foot addition to the History Museum located at 2200 Broadway Avenue in downtown Redwood City. The new Carriage House addition will be located at the rear of the County Courthouse building, behind an annex structure that was added to the Courthouse building in 1941. The Cou...
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