Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Manager
Adam Ely, Director of Project Development Unit
Subject: Purchase Order with One Workplace for Office Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Purchases for the San Mateo Health Campus
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of the Project Development unit, or designee, to execute purchase orders with One Workplace to space plan, procure, furnish and install furniture, and provide moving services for the San Mateo Health Campus Project in an amount not to exceed $335,090.
In March 2017, this Board approved the San Mateo Health Campus Project. The project includes renovation of the nursing wing ground floor and central plant to relocate essential services, demolition of campus administration buildings built in 1954, and construction of a new administration building.
In September 2018, the County issued a Request for Statement of Qualifications for furniture standards, space planning, and procurement and installation of furniture for County projects. A selection committee, comprised of staff from multiple departments, qualified six firms to receive the Request for Proposals (RFP).
In November 2018, the RFP was issued to prequalified firms, four were selected for vendor mockups and interviews, and two participated in a best and final offer exercise overseen by County Procurement. At the conclusion of the process, One Workplace was recommended as the best value proposer.
The nursing wing ground floor will house essential services such as a dietary kitchen and caf?, outpatient rehabilitation clinic, County telephone operators, hospital disaster supplies, and other miscellaneous support spaces. One Workplace will provide necessary furnishings for each of these programs, including but not limited to, conference room tables and chairs, caf? furniture, office fu...
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