Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Executive
Justin Mates, Deputy County Executive
Rocio Kiryczun, Human Resources Director
Subject: San Mateo County FY 2022-23 STARS Awards
Recommendation to:
A) Adopt a resolution approving STARS Awards recipients; and
B) Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) in the amount of $50,000 from Non-Departmental Services to STARS Award recipients in the General Fund.
The San Mateo County STARS Awards was established in 2006 to recognize programs for their outstanding contributions to the organization and our community. The program initially began with the Program Performance and Customer Service award categories. In 2008, the Green and Employee Suggestion award categories were added to recognize sustainability efforts and employees that offer innovative ideas that improve County services. In 2016, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion award was added to recognize programs that promote those values in the County workforce.
This year's STARS Awards program was open during the fall of 2023 to recognize successful programs from the prior fiscal year. Sixteen (16) program entries were submitted, and all entries were evaluated by review teams based on established criteria. The programs with the highest score in each category are recommended to receive awards.
The winning programs are listed below, and a full description is attached.
FY 2022-23 Program Award Recipients
Program Performance
Service Connect Criminal Justice Realignment Program
County Health - Behavioral Health and Recovery Services ($30,000)
Customer Service
WIC Program-Breastfeeding
County Health - Family Health Services ($10,000)
GIS Division
Information Services Department ($5,000)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Oral Public Health Program
County Health - Family Health Services ...
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