Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation:
Timothy Giltz v. County of San Mateo
Claim Numbers: SM150728, WC 2020-8503
WCAB Case Numbers: ADJ11977079, ADJ13790225
Henry Sutter v. County of San Mateo
Claim Number: WC 2018-6578
WCAB Case Number: ADJ12170010
Bradley Martin v. County of San Mateo
Claim Number: WC 2017-0838
WCAB Case Numbers: ADJ12769612
Conference with Labor Negotiator:
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); California Nurses Association (CNA); Deputy Sheriff’s Association Sworn/Safety Personnel (DSA); Organization of Sheriff’s Sergeants (OSS); Service Employees International Union (SEIU); and Unrepresented Management, Attorney and Confidential employees
Agency designated representative attending Closed Session: Kelly Tuffo
Public Employee Appointment
Title: County Counsel