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File #: 16-600    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 8/28/2017 Departments: SHERIFF
On agenda: 9/26/2017 Final action: 9/26/2017
Title: Adopt a resolution approving a modification to the Sheriff's records retention schedule.
Attachments: 1. 20170926_r_RevisedRetentionSchedule, 2. 20170926_att_RevisedRetentionSchedule

Special Notice / Hearing:                         None__

                           Vote Required:                     4/5                                                   


To:                      Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:                      Carlos G. Bolanos, Sheriff

Subject:                      Amendment to the Records Retention Schedule




Adopt a resolution approving a modification to the Sheriff’s records retention schedule.




Government Code § 26200 et seq. authorizes the Board of Supervisors to adopt a records retention schedule. The Board adopted a retention schedule on February 6, 2007. On July 12, 2016, the Board approved modifications to the Sheriff's retention schedule. Since then, it has been discovered that the retention schedule incorrectly stated the number of years “In-Car Video Recording - Not Evidence” was to be retained.



The retention schedule is a “living document” that from time to time requires updating.


Upon reviewing the 2016 retention schedule, an error was discovered which incorrectly stated the number of years “In-Car Video Records - Not Evidence” was to be retained. 


The memo for the July 12, 2016 Board of Supervisors meeting referenced a change to item SH-102: Recordings: In-Car Video Recordings - Not Evidence: change retention from 3 years to 1 year.   However, the retention schedule document listed 2 years.  This Board action will correct that mistake and set the retention schedule at 1 year as intended.


Documents covered in the retention schedule are official records of the County. A four-fifths vote of the Board is required to take this action. In addition to administrative and staff review and approval, County Counsel has reviewed the modifications and approves the resolution and retention schedule as to form.


The records retention schedule and its modification advances Vision 2025, Collaborative Community in that it ensures the appropriate retention of County records.



Reduction in retention time may result in cost savings related to physical storage, media storage, and staff time.