Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael Wentworth, Director/Chief Information Officer, Information Services Department
Subject: Information Technology Procurements and Maintenance Agreements
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director/Chief Information Officer or designee to execute necessary contract documents resulting from competitive solicitations for the procurement and renewal of software, hardware, and maintenance, for the individual terms as specified in Attachment A to this resolution, in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $21,770,000.
The Information Services Department (ISD) provides technology services to County departments and external agencies, including support of enterprise infrastructure which delivers network, cybersecurity, data center, public safety radio, servers, and applications services. To maintain seamless operation and optimal performance, ISD diligently manages the procurement of software and hardware, as well as the required ongoing subscription and support maintenance required to access and support the enterprise infrastructure.
On January 30, 2024, this Board approved Resolution No. 080144 and on June 11, 2024 approved Resolution No. 080436 authorizing the Director/Chief Information Officer or designee to execute necessary contract documents for procurement and renewal of software and hardware maintenance.
Through this item, ISD is requesting approval for the new contracts and contract renewals specified in Attachment A to the resolution accompanying this memorandum. Additionally, ISD requests this Board’s approval authorizing the Director/Chief Information Officer or designee to execute the necessary contract documents resulting from competitive solicitations for the procurement and renewal of software, hardware, and maintenance as specified in Attachment A in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $21,770,000. This authorization will allow ISD to maintain operational continuity for essential systems and licenses used by County Departments in a timely fashion. ISD is working with the County Attorney’s Office and the County Executive’s Office to recommend necessary revisions to County policies and procedures which are followed to establish annual technology renewal contracts. This work is being done to streamline current contracting processes while maintaining adequate internal financial controls and competitive solicitation requirements.
ISD makes every effort to procure services from vendors that accept the County's standard contract terms and conditions. However, a majority of technology software, hardware, and maintenance is purchased through resellers who are generally required to follow the terms set by the manufacturer. Additionally, the County often relies upon the use of cooperative agreements from other public agencies, which are subsequently governed by the terms and conditions of that agencies' agreement. In cases where a vendor may face challenges in meeting the County’s requirements including, Equal Benefits, Non-Discrimination, Jury Services, and/or Living Wage, ISD requests that the Board of Supervisors authorize the Director/Chief Information Officer or designee to approve the waiver or modification of these requirements for contracts exceeding the threshold set by California Government Code Section 25502.5. This flexibility is essential to maintain our critical services and infrastructure support.
The resolution contains the County’s standard provisions allowing amendments to each agreement of the County’s fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate).
The County Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the resolution as to both form and content.
Approval of this resolution is essential to maintain availability of key infrastructure, minimize disruptions and security vulnerabilities that may compromise County operations, and ensuring consistent public access to reliable and secure applications.
Measure |
FY 2023-24 Actual |
FY 2024-25 Target |
Availability of Key Infrastructure |
99.72% |
99.90% |
The County of San Mateo is dedicated to advancing equity by ensuring its workforce has the tools needed to deliver effective and inclusive services, especially when serving underserved or vulnerable communities.
The total aggregate not to exceed amount for the Information Technology procurements and maintenance agreements identified in this board item is $21,770,000. Funding for current year contracts have been included in ISD’s FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget and service charges. Funding for future Information Technology procurements and renewals will be included in future budget requests and billed through ISD service charges.