Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: David J. Canepa, Board President
Subject: Resolution Prescribing District-Based Elections as the Method of Selection of San Mateo County Board of Education Members
Adopt a resolution prescribing district-based elections as the method of selection of San Mateo County Board of Education (“SMCBOE”) members.
The SMCBOE seeks to finalize its transition from an “at-large” election system to district-based elections.
Education Code Section 1000 provides that, as a chartered county, the County must prescribe either in its charter or by action of the Board of Supervisors the manner of selection of the SMCBOE. Thus, in 1956, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 10228 calling for a special election to elect seven members to the SMCBOE pursuant to an at-large election system. Four years later, in 1960, the Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. 1388 for the purpose of clarifying that future members of the SMCBOE would also be elected at-large.
On March 17, 2021, the SMCBOE adopted a Resolution of Intent directing staff to begin the process of moving the SMCBOE from an at-large to a district-based election system within the meaning of California Elections Code Section 14026(b), under which each candidate for the SMCBOE must reside within an election district and is elected only by voters residing within that election district.
Elections Code Section 10010 provides that, before transitioning from at-large to district-based elections, a jurisdiction must hold at least four public hearings to receive input on the transition. Specifically:
• Before drawing a draft map (or maps) of the proposed district boundaries, the jurisdiction must hold at least two public hearings over a period of not more than 30 days at which the public is invited to provide input regarding composition of the proposed districts; and
• After all draft maps are drawn, the jurisdiction must publish the draft map(s) and, if members are to be elected in their districts at different times to provide for staggered terms of office, also publish the potential sequence of the staggered elections; and
• The jurisdiction is then required to hold at least two additional public hearings over a period of no more than 45 days at which the public is invited to provide input regarding the content of the draft map(s) and the proposed sequence of elections.
It is recommended that the Board approve the SMCBOE’s transition from at-large to district-based elections.
The SMCBOE engaged in robust public outreach regarding proposed district map options and complied with Election Code Section 10010’s public hearing requirements. After doing so, the SMCBOE adopted a district map and established a district-based election system for SMCBOE Members.
The adopted district map, a copy of which is attached to this memorandum, divides the SMCBOE into seven (7) Trustee Areas, each of which includes at least one school district. The map was drawn according to all applicable laws and regulations, including the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 and federal election laws. Further, to the extent required by law, the district boundaries provided in the adopted map may be adjusted based on the recently released official California 2020 federal decennial census data.
The SMCBOE’s approved district-based election system staggers the transition to by-district elections, with Members from Trustee Areas 1, 2, and 3 to be elected at the SMCBOE’s November 2022 election and Members from Trustee Areas 4, 5, 6, and 7 to be elected at the November 2024 election.
Adoption of a resolution prescribing district-based elections as the method of selection of SMCBOE members will have no fiscal impact to the County.