Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Daniel T. Belville, Director
Subject: Critical Fill “Sit Out” Rule Waiver Request for Assistant Director
Adopt a resolution authorizing the hiring of Public Safety Communication’s retiring Assistant Director, Sue Anderson, pursuant to Government Code §7522.56(f)(1) and finding that the nature of employment and appointment is necessary to fill a critically-needed position during the 180-day post- retirement separation period.
In September 2012, the California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) was signed into law as Assembly Bill 340. The PEPRA legislation includes provisions in Government Code §7522.56 requiring a 180 day separation ("sit-out") following the date of retirement for non-safety retirees who are re-employed by a public agency within the same retirement system as an employee, or through a contract unless the employer certifies that appointment is necessary to fill a critically-needed position before the 180 day has passed.
For the exception to the 180-day separation period to apply, state law requires that this Board, as the County’s governing body, approve by Resolution the appointment in a public meeting and not on the consent calendar.
On March 27, 2020, Sue Anderson retired after nearly 39 years working for the County of San Mateo in Public Safety Communications. Because of her long history with the department and her excellent management skills, the Department desires to work with her as an Extra Help employee after her retirement in order to ensure continuity and effective operations during the transition to a new dispatch system and new facility.
The cost of hiring Ms. Anderson as an extra help employee for a maximum of 960 hours per fiscal year at a rate of $85.79 per hour is included in Public Safety Communications Department’s Fiscal Year 2019-20 Adopted Budget. There is no new Net County Cost associated with this Resolution.