Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: 4/5
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Lisa Mancini, Director, Aging and Adult Services
Subject: Acceptance of San Mateo County’s Noncompetitive Allocation of Budget Act of 2021 Funds from the California Department of Social Services
Recommendation to:
A) Adopt a resolution authorizing: the acceptance of San Mateo County’s noncompetitive allocation of Budget Act of 2021 funds in the amount of $897,589 from the California Department of Social Services to establish, continue, and expand housing and homelessness assistance through the Home Safe program; and
B) Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) in the amount of $897,589, recognizing unanticipated revenue of $225,000 from the state for the Home Safe program.
In 2018, AB 1811 established Home Safe, a locally administered program that aims to prevent or address homelessness among seniors and adults with disabilities. Individuals are eligible for Home Safe if they: 1) are an Adult Protective Services (APS) client or in the APS intake process; and 2) are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness; and 3) voluntarily agree to participate in the program. In 2018, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) awarded funds to 25 grantee counties for a three-year pilot program. San Mateo County applied for, but did not receive, pilot funds.
The Budget Act of 2021 appropriated a total of $92,500,000 for Home Safe for FY 2021-22 to be expended through June 30, 2024. On October 15, 2021, CDSS announced noncompetitive allocations based on local need methodology for all 58 counties. To accept the funds allocated to San Mateo County ($897,589), the County must sign and return the Director’s Certification to CDSS by December 3, 2021.
Housing instability and homelessness among older adults and adults with disabilities in San Mateo County is caused by, among other factors: hoarding and self-neglect, the high cost of housing and living expenses, and the aging of a chronically homeless population. Home Safe will provide the County with additional resources for both immediate intervention and long-term housing supports. Clients whose immediate health and safety is threatened by homelessness qualify for Home Safe when their APS cases have been assigned for investigation, but their full intake has not yet been completed. Home Safe services are not contingent upon the outcome of the APS investigation. After an APS investigation is complete, clients may continue to qualify for Home Safe programs offering longer term assistance from contracted partners and/or County programs.
San Mateo County’s Home Safe program will offer:
1. Intensive case management
2. Housing stabilization
3. Housing navigation
4. Housing direct financial assistance
5. Connection to longer-term supports
Counties accepting Home Safe funds must collect, track, report and measure relevant program outcomes and respond to requests for program progress reports, updates, expenditure information, including amount spent on prevention services, administrative costs, direct services and financial assistance, or program assessments as requested by CDSS. As a new grantee, San Mateo County must send CDSS implementation updates related to program ramp up at least every six months and then annually, after program implementation, and until the awarded amount is fully spent.
Funding will be used to cover administrative costs, provide direct financial assistance and contract with agencies within San Mateo County who are experienced in providing a continuum of care to address homelessness and administer supportive housing options.
The resolution has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form.
It is anticipated that approximately 150 seniors or adults with disabilities will receive housing support through Home Safe funding.
Measure |
FY 2021-22 Estimated |
FY 2022-23 Projected |
Number of seniors or adults with disabilities who receive housing support through the Home Safe program |
50 Seniors |
100 Seniors |
There is no Net County Cost associated with accepting of these funds because the State has waived County match requirements and the costs to provide services is not expected to exceed the County's Home Safe funding allocation. The ATR will recognize approximately 25% ($225,000) of the total $897,589 allocation from the State for the Home Safe program as unanticipated revenue for FY 2021-22, to begin ramping up the Home Safe program. The remaining funds will be allocated in future fiscal periods as part of the County budget process.