Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Executive
Connie Juarez-Diroll, Chief Legislative Officer
Subject: State and Federal Advocacy Services Agreements & 2024 Legislative Session Program
Recommendation to:
A) Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to an agreement with Political Solutions, LLC for state advocacy services for the term of January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 in the amount of $96,000; and
B) Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to an agreement with Cruz Strategies, LLC for state advocacy services for the term of January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 in the amount of $96,000; and
C) Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to an agreement with Carpi and Clay, LLC for federal advocacy services for the term of January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 in the amount of $96,000; and
D) Adopt a resolution approving the San Mateo County 2024 Legislative Session Program.
The County has retained Political Solutions, LLC (“Political Solutions”), Cruz Strategies, LLC (“Cruz Strategies”), and Carpi & Clay, Inc (“Carpi & Clay”) to support its state and federal legislative advocacy. Political Solutions and Cruz Strategies have successfully and effectively represented the County in state matters since May 2009 and May 2014, respectively. Carpi & Clay has represented the County at the federal level since 2021.
In the fall of 2021, the County issued Requests for Proposals (RFP) for state and federal advocacy services. A Board sub-committee and County staff conducted interviews and recommended the County contract with Political Solutions and Cruz Strategies for state lobbying services with a division of policy areas, as follows:
Political Solutions:
• Early learning and childcare
• Health and hospitals
• Human services
• Child Support
Cruz Strategies:
• Elections
• Land use
• Local government
• Public safety
• Tax and finance
• Transportation
• Housing
• Environment
The same committee also recommended the County contract for federal lobbying services with Carpi & Clay.
San Mateo County’s 2024 Legislative Session Program details state and federal legislative priorities for the County in the new legislative sessions. These priorities, in combination with standing positions and policies, guide the County’s legislative advocacy efforts. The County Executive’s Office of Intergovernmental and Public Affairs develops the County’s Legislative Session Program with direction from Board members and in collaboration with County departments, the County Executive, the County’s state associations, our state and federal legislative advocates, and community partners. The County’s Legislative Coordination and Advocacy Policy, approved by this Board on June 4, 2019 sets out the County’s processes for conveying official Board positions and coordination of actions between this Board of Supervisors, County Executive’s Office, County departments/agencies, and the County’s legislative advocates in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.
State and Federal Advocacy Teams:
Given their strong performance in representing the County and solid expertise in policy areas unique to San Mateo, the County Executive’s Office believes it is in the County’s best interest to remain with its current lobbying teams for state and federal advocacy services.
Political Solutions will continue representing the County in the policy areas agreed upon in 2021. Pursuant to the proposed agreement, Political Solutions will receive a yearly fee of $96,000 in calendar year 2024.
Cruz Strategies will continue representing the County in the policy areas agreed upon in 2021. Pursuant to the proposed contract amendment, Cruz Strategies will receive a yearly fee of $96,000 in calendar year 2024.
Carpi & Clay will continue representing the County in all relevant policy areas at the federal level. Pursuant to the proposed contract amendment, Carpi and Clay will receive a yearly fee of $96,000 in calendar year 2024.
Per standing policy, County staff will conduct a new competitive RFP process to solicit state and federal advocacy services in the Fall of 2026 and reserves the right to contract with the firms on an annual basis until then.
The resolutions have been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form. The resolutions contain the County’s standard provisions allowing amendment of the County’s fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate per agreement).
2024 Legislative Session Program:
In 2024, County state advocacy efforts will be focused on continuing to advocate for the following list of select key issues: 1) ongoing state funding and proposals that advance the County’s efforts to combat homelessness, including additional funding for homeless prevention and ongoing support for needed wrap around services, including mental health supports; 2) reimbursement for the County’s and cities’ current VLF revenue shortfalls and adoption of a permanent legislative fix that provides full reimbursement to the County and its cities on an ongoing basis, as needed; 3) affordable housing development; 4) solutions to modernize the Brown Act to foster safe and welcoming public meetings for all members of the community; 5) County workforce development; 6) funding for disaster and climate change resiliency and preparedness; 7) support for farmworkers; 8) safeguards for artificial intelligence; and 9) regional bond funding measures.
At the federal level, 2024 advocacy efforts will be focused on: 1) continued support for federal funds to address housing and homelessness crisis across the County; 2) working closely with our state and regional partners to identify and apply for Community Project Funding as these resources are made available; and 3) support for federal efforts designed to address the ongoing impacts of climate change and extreme weather events, as well as additional investments and reforms to various disaster preparedness, mitigation, and response programs.
The proposed 2024 County Legislative Program includes updates to the County’s standing policies shown in the redlined version. The most substantial revisions are included in the Housing, Human Services, and Federal Infrastructure, Environment and Energy chapters.
Equity Statement:
The updated legislative program will continue to support policies that further or enhance the County's equity goals in addressing the needs of underserved, disadvantaged, or marginalized residents. Policies in the Equity and Social Justice section reflect the County's specific commitment to policies that would create a strong, diverse, and equitable community.
The terms of the three Agreements are from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 not to exceed amount of $96,000 per agreement. Appropriation for these Agreements have been included in the County Executive’s Office FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget.