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File #: 25-028    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Withdrawn
File created: 11/15/2024 Departments: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT 2
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action: 1/14/2025
Title: Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of district-discretionary Measure K funds, not to exceed $40,000, to WANDA Women and Allies for emergency rental assistance, and authorizing the County Executive, or designee, to execute the grant agreement.
Sponsors: Noelia Corzo
Attachments: 1. 20250114_r_WANDA.docx, 2. 20250114_a_WANDA_signed.pdf

Special Notice / Hearing:    None

Vote Required:    Majority


To:                      Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:                      Michael P. Callagy, County Executive

Subject:                      Use of District-Discretionary Measure K Funds - Supervisorial District 2




Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of district-discretionary Measure K funds, not to exceed $40,000, to WANDA Women and Allies for emergency rental assistance, and authorizing the County Executive, or designee, to execute the grant agreement.




Measure K is the half-cent general sales tax initially approved by San Mateo County voters in November 2012 and extended in November 2016 for a total of thirty years.

The Board of Supervisors (Board) held study sessions on Measure K expenditures and approved funds for the fiscal year (FY) 2024-25 budget cycle, divided evenly among the five supervisorial districts, for one-time district-discretionary needs and projects. District 2 has submitted a request to use their district-discretionary Measure K funds as shown below and described in the Project Summary section of this memorandum:




District 2 (Supervisor Noelia Corzo) - WANDA Women and Allies: provision of emergency rental assistance to single parents residing in District 2



This item is consistent with the criteria for district-discretionary Measure K funds approved by the Board in December 2018. District 2 indicates that this organization is either a public agency operating within the County or a nonprofit organization registered and in good standing with the California Attorney General. District 2 indicates that the sponsoring Board member, member’s family, and member’s supervisorial staff do not serve as an officer, director, or play a policy role for the grantee organization.

Supervisor Corzo is on the Alumni Advisory Board for grantee organization.  She does not influence policy decisions, and provides programmatic input only.



This is a request to authorize a grant to WANDA Women and Allies, and resulting grant agreement, in an amount not to exceed $40,000, to provide for emergency rental assistance to single parents residing in District 2. The County Executive’s Office will administer and manage the proposed agreement.

District 2 indicates that this organization has not previously received Measure K district-discretionary funding.

WANDA Women and Allies (WANDA), founded in 2007, is dedicated to supporting single working parents in San Mateo County. Through its comprehensive support model, WANDA provides resources for women to achieve financial stability and break the cycle of poverty.

Through this grant, WANDA aims to provide emergency funds to up to 40 single parents residing in District 2 who are facing housing insecurity by providing direct rent payments to landlords. These funds will ensure that single parents and their children can maintain stable housing during times of financial hardship. To be eligible to receive funds, applicants must meet the following criteria.

1) Household is headed by unmarried adult with one or more dependent children 18 years or younger.

2) Income per household size is at or below 80% of AMI for San Mateo County, considered low-income per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

3) Currently paying in excess of 30% of monthly wages in monthly rent, and

Additionally, WANDA will provide financial coaching sessions via Zoom in both English and Spanish to all recipients of grant funds, or up to 40 single parents. Coaching will consist of topics such as a financial health check in among members of the group, a budgeting refresher, emergency planning, asset savings goals, resource sharing, and Q&A discussion.

District 2 has informed the grantee organization that this grant is one-time only, and that the grantee organization will need to find other resources of funding going forward.  The grantee organization will use the Measure K grant as follows:


                     $35,000 Emergency Savings Stipends for up to 40 single parents residing in District 2 ($500-$1,000 provided per recipient)

                     $5,000: Financial Coach and Project Administration

o                     $3,000: 0.04 FTE Director of Programs (responsible for all beneficiary communication and outreach, fund coordination, management and disbursement to landlords)

o                     $1,500: 0.08 FTE Manager, Education and Partnership Outreach (responsible for facilitating financial education refresher workshops online);

o                     $500: 0.002 FTE Executive Director (responsible for administration, tracking, compliance and reporting of grant funding)

The project or services funded by this district-discretionary grant will be implemented or provided between January 2025 and June 2025 and is estimated to be completed June 30, 2025.

Total Measure K Request: Not to Exceed $40,000

The release of funds will be contingent on the execution of an agreement providing for the County’s confirmation of the expenditure of funds for the purposes stated herein. The County will disburse the funds to the following organization for the purposes described above:

WANDA Women and Allies

650B Fremont Avenue, Suite #130
Los Altos, CA 94024

Danika Dellor






Provide rent or down payment assistance to up to 40 single parents residing in District 2, prioritizing housing stability.


Offer financial coaching sessions in both English and Spanish to all recipients (up to 40 single parents residing in District 2).



The County Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the agreement and resolution as to form.



This program addresses the systemic inequities faced by low-income single parents, predominantly women of color, in San Mateo County. By providing emergency rental assistance and financial coaching, WANDA aims to mitigate the impacts of housing insecurity and financial instability. This project directly addresses the disproportionate burden single parents face due to factors such as the high cost of living, limited asset ownership, and the ongoing effects of the pandemic.



There are sufficient Measure K funds for this specific FY 2024-25 Measure K request. These funds are budgeted in the Non-Departmental Services FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget.