Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Ann M. Stillman, Director of Public Works
Subject: State Housing Law Self-Certification for One Bay Area Grant 3 Local Streets and Roads Preservation Program Funding for Bay Road Complete Street Rehabilitation Project (County Project No. RW947; Project File No. E5072000)
Adopt a resolution for self-certifying compliance with state housing laws, as required by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, for One Bay Area Grant 3 Local Streets and Roads Preservation Program Funding for the Bay Road Complete Street Rehabilitation Project.
The City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) is the Congestion Management Agency for the County of San Mateo (County) and administers federal funding available through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). C/CAG informed the Department of Public Works (Department) that the County has been conditionally approved, subject to submittal of all requirement documentation, for federal funding pursuant to MTC’s One Bay Area Grant 3 (OBAG 3) Local Streets and Roads Preservation Program (Program) in the amount of approximately $3,806,790.
On March 28, 2023, this Board adopted Resolution No. 079530 which authorized the Director of Public Works, or designee, to file an application for funding assigned to the MTC, committing any necessary matching funds, and stating assurance to complete the Bay Road Complete Street Rehabilitation Project.
To receive Program funding, the County must demonstrate compliance with state housing laws related to surplus lands, accessory dwelling units, density bonuses, and the Housing Accountability Act. Jurisdictions are required to self-certify compliance with the first three elements (state housing laws related to surplus lands, accessory dwelling units, and density bonuses) through a local resolution. The self-certification resolution is required to comply with the OBAG 3 Program and will be submitted to MTC. The resolution is in a template form as required by MTC.
The Department, in partnership with the City of Redwood City (City), will design and construct the Bay Road Complete Street Rehabilitation Project (Project) to increase safety for all road users who use or cross Bay Road between 5th Avenue and 15th Avenue/Spring Street. The Project will include pedestrian and bicycle improvements, new traffic control at 15th Avenue/Spring Street, pavement rehabilitation, and green infrastructure.
The Department requests this Board adopt a self-certification compliance resolution for the Program funding with MTC. Funding for this Project has been conditionally approved by MTC subject to self-certification compliance resolution. The Department will work with the City to initiate the preparation of the plans and specifications for the work such that they comply with the funding procedures, delivery milestones, and funding deadlines. The City will adopt its own resolution for the state housing law certification.
The Department has consulted with the Department of Planning and Building (Planning) pertaining to this state housing law certification. Planning has reviewed the resolution and confirmed that the County is in compliance with the housing laws as specified in the resolution and supports adoption of the resolution.
County Attorney has reviewed and approved the resolution as to form.
There is no fiscal impact for the adoption of this resolution, except for the staff time necessary to draft these documents. Staff time will be included in the costs submitted for reimbursement through the OBAG 3 funds.
There is no impact on the General Fund.