Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Mark Church, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder and Chief Elections Officer
Subject: Agreement with Granicus to Upgrade the Clerk-Recorder Systems
Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Granicus to upgrade the Clerk-Recorder Systems for the term of June 29, 2021, through June 28, 2022, for an amount not to exceed $255,000.
At the core of the business operations of the Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder & Elections (ACRE), the Clerk-Recorder utilizes a suite of applications to store and process data relating to Land Records, Vital Records and Cashiering for all Clerk-Recorder transactions in the County. These applications include LandDocs (used for Recording), VitalDocs (used for Vital Records), ClerkDocs (used for Marriage licenses and Fictitious Business Names), Summit Examiner (used for eRecording), and Cornerstone (used for Cashiering). SouthTech Systems Inc. has provided these applications to the County since 2007. In November 2018, Granicus acquired SouthTech Systems Inc. and has since completed a major overhaul of the applications which includes re-platforming using Microsoft Development Studio and .NET C## while utilizing the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and the latest TCP/IP security protocols. The upgraded applications include many new features designed to benefit the Clerk-Recorder division.
The upgrade of the Clerk-Recorder systems is critical for ACRE to continue to receive maintenance and support services from Granicus because they are phasing out the older suite of applications which was built using legacy programming languages. Additionally, the upgrade will provide ACRE with improved user interface, functionality, auditing and reporting features which have been implemented based on user requests over the course of several years. Moreover, the upgrade will provide new functionality and performance improvements.
The total cost of the Agreement is $255,000 which include:
• $135,000 one-time license cost for LandDocs, VitalDocs, ClerkDocs, Cornerstone, GovRecords Portals and Summit Examiner
• $120,000 professional services for the upgrade
The term of the agreement is June 29, 2021, through June 28, 2022. The costs of this agreement will be fully funded by the Clerk-Recorder Modernization Trust Fund. There is no new Net County Cost associated with this Resolution.