Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Rocio Kiryczun, Human Resources Director
Subject: Recommended Revision to the Master Salary Resolution
Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the Master Salary Resolution 076017 to delete four positions, add four positions, convert two unclassified positions to classified, reclassify one position, and add one special compensation.
On July 11, 2018 your Board adopted Master Salary Resolution 076017 which specifies the number of, and compensation and benefits for, persons employed by the County of San Mateo, sets appropriate rules and regulations, and repeals all inconsistent ordinances and resolutions. Throughout the year, the salary resolution is amended from time to time to meet the needs of the County.
The salary resolution changes herein represent the:
• deletion of four positions;
• addition of four positions;
• conversion of two unclassified positions to classified;
• reclassification of one position; and
• addition of one special compensation.
These amendments to the resolution have been reviewed and approved by the County Counsel as to form. These changes contribute to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Collaborative Community by ensuring that departments have staff with the skills necessary to perform the work and allow departments to provide exceptional service to the community.
The specific actions are discussed in detail below.
Action: Convert: One position of B096S, Biologist/Standards Specialist Series - Unclassified
Biweekly Salary: $2,148.00 - $2,817.60
To: Classified
Explanation: This is the conversion of one vacant position from unclassified status to classified status. This change is being made to aid in recruitment and retention of staff. This action represents no change in the monthly salary and benefits cost. There is no change in the total number of authorized positions.
Action: Delete: One position of G111S, District Attorney's Office Victim Advocate Series
Biweekly Salary: $1,865.60 - $2,915.20
Add: One position of G110, Supervising Victim Advocate
Biweekly Salary: $2,565.60 - $3,206.40
Explanation: This is the deletion of one vacant Victim Advocate Series and the addition of one Supervising Victim Advocate to support staffing needs of the department and provide supervisory support to the team. This action represents a monthly salary and benefits cost of $965. There is no change in the total number of authorized positions.
Action: Reclassify: One position of D131, Program Services Manager I
Biweekly Salary: $3,441.60 - $4,302.40
To: One position of D185, Senior Management Analyst
Biweekly Salary: $3,795.20 - $4,745.60
Explanation: This is the reclassification of one filled Program Services Manager I position to Senior Management Analyst. A classification study was conducted and determined the latter classification to be more appropriate for the work being performed and the expectations of the job. This action represents a monthly salary and benefits cost of $1,469. There is no change in the total number of authorized positions.
Action A: Convert: One position of B048S - Resource Conservation Specialist Series - Unclassified
Biweekly Salary: $2,613.60 - $3,595.20
To: Classified
Explanation: This is the conversion of one vacant position from unclassified status to classified status to support operational needs of the department. This action represents no change in the monthly salary and benefits cost. There is no change in the total number of authorized positions.
Action B: Delete: One position of J081, Resource Conservation Specialist III Biweekly Salary: $3,107.20 - $3,883.20
Add: One position of J080, Senior Sustainability Specialist
Biweekly Salary: $3,472.80 - $4,341.60
Explanation: This is the deletion of one Resource Conservation Specialist III position and the addition of one Senior Conservation Specialist. This change is to provide additional career growth opportunity for the Resource Conservation Specialist series. This action represents a monthly salary and benefits cost of $1,520. There is no change in the total number of authorized positions
Action A: Delete: One position of E002, Administrative Secretary II
Biweekly Salary: $2,159.20 - $2,699.20
Add: One position of E029, Administrative Assistant I
Biweekly Salary: $2,391.20 - $2,989.60
Explanation: This is the deletion of one vacant Administrative Secretary II and the addition of one Administrative Assistant I. This change is to support staffing needs of the department. This action represents a monthly salary and benefits cost of $963. There is no change in the total number of authorized positions.
Action B: Delete: One position of E305S, Medical Records Coder Series
Biweekly Salary: $2,135.20 - $3,788.80
Add: One position of E308, Clinical Documentation Specialist
Biweekly Salary: $3,392.80 - 4,242.40
Explanation: This is the deletion of one vacant Medical Records Coder Series and the addition of one Clinical Documentation Specialist to spearhead the Documentation Improvement Program. This action represents a monthly salary and benefits cost of $1,504. There is no change in the total number of authorized positions
Action C: Add: A 5% Board Certification Differential Pay for Non-Represented Physicians
Explanation: This action amends Section 5 - Special Compensation section of the Master Salary Resolution to add a 5% differential pay for non-represented Physicians. This is in addition to all other compensation for non-represented Physicians and Dentists who obtain Board certification in a specialty and who practice that specialty as their main assignment. Non-represented Physicians and Dentists who obtain Board Certification in a specialty that is not their main assignment, but rather in a specialty that is deemed by either the Director of Behavioral Health or the CEO of Medical Center to provide added value to the County, shall be paid a 5% differential pay in addition to all other compensation. No Physician or Dentist shall receive more than two Board Certifications. Assuming one Staff Physician is eligible for this differential pay, the monthly salary and benefits cost associated with this action is $906. There is no change in the total number of authorized positions.
These actions represent an estimated monthly salary and benefits cost of $7,327 or an annual cost estimate of $87,924.