Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Claire Cunningham, Director, Human Services Agency
Subject: Measure K: Agreement with the San Mateo County Office of Education for The Big Lift
Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a waiver of the Request for Proposals process and approving the execution of an agreement with San Mateo County Office of Education for the term July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, for a total obligation amount not to exceed $1,520,418 to provide services in support of The Big Lift program.
In 2012, the Peninsula Partnership Leadership Council (PPLC) - a coalition of government, education, nonprofit, foundation, and business leaders in San Mateo County - launched “The Big Lift” to significantly improve children’s third grade reading proficiency through strategic, thoughtful, evidence-based investments in early learning and education. The Big Lift is a collective impact collaborative led by the San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) and the County of San Mateo (County).
The Big Lift focuses on eight San Mateo County communities where third grade reading proficiency scores are close to or below the County average. Communities are defined by school district boundaries and include the following school districts: Bayshore, Cabrillo Unified, La Honda-Pescadero Unified, Millbrae, Pacifica, Ravenswood City, South San Francisco Unified, and San Bruno Park Elementary.
The Big Lift is based on evidence-based interventions including:
1) A comprehensive school readiness strategy focused on high-quality preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds that leads to an aligned and sequenced set of high-quality learning experiences in kindergarten through third grade;
2) A focus on reducing chronic absence in the early grades;
3) Developing inspiring summer learning opportunities that enable children to maintain their academic and developmental gains; and
4) Supporting parents and caregivers as children’s first and most influential teachers to provide rich learning environments in the home.
HSA is requesting to enter into an agreement in support of The Big Lift goals:
1) Work collaboratively with the County and San Mateo County Libraries to support collective impact activities and coordinate the four evidence-based interventions;
2) Support up to approximately 95 preschool programs and classrooms in the eight (8) communities to improve quality and work collaboratively with K-12 and community partners with the goal of improving kindergarten readiness rates for low-income children;
3) Expand strategies that are leading to increased kindergarten readiness rates among The Big Lift programs;
4) Oversee data collection, data systems, initiative evaluation, and data driven improvements for all elements of The Big Lift; and
5) Provide training, technical assistance, and family engagement supports to The Big Lift preschool programs, to support optimal child development and build a culture of literacy in the home.
HSA is requesting the Board waive the RFP requirement because SMCOE is a public entity. Pursuant to Administrative Memorandum B-1 Paragraph IV. C. Non-Emergency General Exemptions, services do not require a competitive procurement for agreements with other public entities, including governments, universities, schools, or other organizations acting as governmental agencies.
The resolution contains the County’s standard provisions allowing amendment of the County’s fiscal obligation by a maximum of $25,000 (in the aggregate).
The County Attorney has reviewed and approved the agreement and resolution as to form.
Measure |
FY 2024-25 Target |
Percentage of classrooms in their first year of implementation of SEEDS strategies that achieve a minimum of 1.5 out of 3 overall score (“emerging”) on implementation fidelity |
85% |
Percentage of classrooms in their second year of implementation of SEEDS strategies that achieve a minimum of 2.0 out of 3 overall score (“accurate”) on implementation fidelity |
85% |
The contract between the County and SMCOE further advances equity in San Mateo County by providing literacy supports to districts where third grade reading proficiency rates fall below the County average.
Race and economic status remain as significant predictors of one's outcomes within the U.S. public education system, including here in San Mateo County. The Big Lift and our partners are committed to disrupting the correlation between race, gender identity, sexual orientation, wealth, zip code, or immigration status, and academic success.
The Big Lift initiative, centered in family engagement, kindergarten readiness, and achieving reading proficiency by the end of third grade, is pivotal for early academic success. Early academic success is a key indicator in future achievements, including high school graduation and post-secondary education, economic mobility, enhanced health outcomes, and overall quality of life.
The term of the agreement is July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025 for a total obligation amount of $1,520,418, which is 100% funded by Measure K. Funding is included in the Human Services Agency’s FY 2024-25 Adopted budget. There is no Net County Cost associated with this agreement.