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File #: 25-183    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 2/12/2025 Departments: COUNTY EXECUTIVE
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Title: Adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute an amendment with Bay Area Geotechnical Group (BAGG) for Geotechnical Services, increasing the amount by $214,000, for a revised maximum fiscal obligation of $355,185.
Attachments: 1. 20250311_r_on-call geotechnical engineering_Bagg.pdf, 2. 20250311_a_amd 03_bagg_24D005_CEOFH.pdf, 3. 20250311_att_BAGG Amendment 03 Proposal.pdf
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Special Notice / Hearing:                         None__

      Vote Required:                         Majority


To:                      Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:                      Michael P. Callagy, County Executive

                                          Iliana Rodriguez, Assistant County Executive

Subject:                      Amendment to the Agreement with Bay Area Geotechnical Group for Stone Pine Cove Farmworker Housing Projects.




Adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute an amendment with Bay Area Geotechnical Group (BAGG) for Geotechnical Services, increasing the amount by $214,000, for a revised maximum fiscal obligation of $355,185.




On February 28, 2023, the Board authorized the County’s Department of Housing to execute and apply for a grant award of up to $5,000,000 under the State’s Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Program (“Serna Program”) to purchase manufactured homes for low-income farmworkers and their families. These manufactured homes will provide homeownership opportunities for low-income farmworker families in our community.


The County and Half Moon Bay worked to identify and develop the Stone Pine Cove Farm Labor Housing Project, which will include 47 manufactured housing units purchased under the Serna Program for low-income farmworkers and their families (“Stone Pine Cove Project” or “Project”). 



On July 29, 2022, the Department of Public Works released a Request for Bid for on-call Geotechnical Services. The request for bid criteria included materials testing services for a period of three (3) years (Fiscal Years 2023-25), with an option to extend the agreement term for two (2) additional years. Multiple geotechnology firms submitted  bids and one of the awarded firms was BAGG, which has worked on many San Mateo County construction projects as a geotechnical consultant.


BAGG specializes in quality geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, construction observation, and environmental engineering services. BAGG’s particular expertise in geological monitoring, testing, and observation of the groundwork on the Stone Pine Cove Project was, and continues to be, essential to the success of the Project.


Therefore, staff recommends that the Board authorize an amendment to the agreement with BAGG for the continued geotechnical engineering services of the Stone Pine Cove Project to increase the maximum amount authorized by $214,000, for a total maximum fiscal obligation of $355,185, with all other terms and conditions of the agreement unaffected. (“Amendment”).


The resolution contains standard provisions allowing the Amendment of County fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate).


The County Attorney has reviewed and approved the resolution and Amendment as to form.



Farming is a $100 million dollar industry in San Mateo County. The development of affordable farmwork housing has a significant impact on our agricultural industry and improves the overall well-being of farm workers in our county.



The cost of the Amendment will be paid from funds allocated to the Stone Pine Cove Project.