Special Notice / Hearing: None
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Lee Pullen, Director, Aging and Adult Services
Subject: Agreement with Institute on Aging for Home Safe Program services
Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Institute on Aging for Home Safe program services, for the term of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $700,000.
In 2018, AB 1811 established Home Safe, a locally administered, state funded program that aims to prevent or address homelessness among seniors and adults with disabilities. Individuals are eligible for Home Safe if they meet the following criteria: 1) they are an Adult Protective Services (APS) client or in the APS intake process; 2) they are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness; and 3) they voluntarily agree to participate in the program. In 2018, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) awarded funds to 25 grantee counties for a three-year pilot program. San Mateo County applied for, but did not receive, pilot funds.
The California Budget Act of 2021 (Budget Act 2021) appropriated a total of $92,500,000 for Home Safe in FY 2021-22, available through June 30, 2024. On October 15, 2021, CDSS announced noncompetitive allocations based on local need methodology for all 58 counties. San Mateo County accepted its allocation in the amount of $897,589, which must be spent by June 30, 2024.
On September 21, 2022, CDSS announced another $92,500,000 appropriation through the California Budget Act of 2022 (Budget Act 2022). The County is one of the recipients of the appropriation and plans to accept this second round of funding in the amount of $897,589, which must be spent by June 30, 2025.
The Home Safe program is intended to provide housing-related supports to APS clients who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness as a direct result of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation. Clients whose immediate health and safety is threatened by homelessness qualify for Home Safe when their APS cases have been assigned for investigation, but their full intake has not yet been completed. Home Safe services are not contingent upon the outcome of the APS investigation. After an APS investigation is complete, clients may continue to qualify for Home Safe programs offering longer term assistance from contracted partners and/or County programs.
San Mateo County’s Home Safe program offers:
1. Intensive case management
2. Housing stabilization
3. Housing navigation
4. Housing direct financial assistance
5. Connection to longer-term supports
The Home Safe program was administered in house from January 2022 to October 2022, however, due to staffing needs, AAS sought a contractor to take over the program. AAS conducted a Request for Proposals process and, in October 2022, selected Institute on Aging (IOA) to be its Home Safe service provider. The initial contract was in the amount of $700,000 through June 30, 2024.
AAS is now seeking this Board’s approval for a second agreement to fund IOA to continue being AAS’ Home Safe service provider. APS has continued to receive Home Safe referrals and screen clients for eligibility, with IOA providing case management, housing stabilization and navigation, direct financial assistance, and connection to longer-term housing supports.
The second round of funding from CDSS will allow IOA to continue serving Home Safe clients. Key goals for the second year are (1) increasing outreach efforts in Half Moon Bay, Pacifica, Foster City, and Unincorporated San Mateo County, (2) increasing outreach to minority groups such as Pacific Islanders, Asians, and Hispanic/Latino populations, and (3) working more closely with County hospitals and emergency response teams in San Mateo County. Home Safe will continue to integrate with the existing County Coordinated Entry System to provide housing connections to those experiencing homelessness.
The agreement and resolution have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney as to form.
The resolution contains the County’s standard provisions allowing amendment of the County fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate).
It is anticipated that approximately 45 older adults or adults with disabilities will receive housing support through Home Safe.
Measure |
FY 2023-24 Estimated |
FY 2024-25 Projected |
Number of older adults or adults with disabilities who receive housing support through the Home Safe program |
39 clients |
45 clients |
The Home Safe Program positively impacts County APS clients and prospective clients by aiming to improve their quality of life, living circumstances, and resource accessibility. APS’ partnership with IOA supports outreach and referral efforts to supportive housing for the most hard-to-reach populations. In the future, staff will begin multilingual community engagement sessions to increase the diversity of clients served. Increasing community engagement, awareness of the LGBTQ community, and strengthening outreach efforts in unincorporated areas of San Mateo County are goals for the Home Safe program during the next fiscal year.
The funding term of the contract with IOA is from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. The total amount of the agreement with IOA is not to exceed $700,000 for the one-year term. The total amount of funds accepted from CDSS for the Home Safe program is $897,589 from Budget Act 2022. There is no Net County Cost associated with accepting these funds or with executing the agreement with IOA. The State has waived County match requirements and the cost to provide services is not expected to exceed the County’s Home Safe funding allocation.