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File #: 20-337    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 3/11/2020 Departments: PUBLIC WORKS
On agenda: 5/19/2020 Final action: 5/19/2020
Title: Adopt a resolution authorizing: A) The President of the Board to execute an agreement with Resource Environmental, Inc., for the Demolition and Disposal of Materials of Two Single Family Residences (331 and 340 Scenic Drive) in the La Honda Area Project, in the amount of $283,000; and B) The Director of Public Works to execute subsequent change orders to grant time extensions for project completion and payment up to a maximum aggregate amount not to exceed $28,300, or approximately 10 percent of the agreement amount.
Attachments: 1. 20200519_r_Award La Honda Demolition, 2. 20200519_att_Exhibit A - Award La Honda Demolition

Special Notice / Hearing:    None__

Vote Required:    Majority


To:                      Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:                      James C. Porter, Director of Public Works

Subject:                      Agreement with Resource Environmental, Inc., for the Demolition and Disposal of Materials of Two Single Family Residences (331 and 340 Scenic Drive) in the La Honda Area

[FEMA-4301-DR-CA, PROJECT NO: PJ0228, FIPS NO:081-00000]

[County Project No. P28Z1, Project File No. E4978]




Adopt a resolution authorizing:


A)                     The President of the Board to execute an agreement with Resource Environmental, Inc., for the Demolition and Disposal of Materials of Two Single Family Residences (331 and 340 Scenic Drive) in the La Honda Area Project, in the amount of $283,000; and


B)                     The Director of Public Works to execute subsequent change orders to grant time extensions for project completion and payment up to a maximum aggregate amount not to exceed $28,300, or approximately 10 percent of the agreement amount.




On, July 9, 2019, your Board adopted Resolution Nos. 076792 and 076793, which authorized the purchase and sale agreements for the acquisition of 331 and 340 Scenic Drive, respectively; and authorized the County Manager, or his designee, to execute any and all notices, exemptions, and escrow instructions, as well as the Deed Restrictions attached to the Grant Deeds, and the Certificates of Acceptance, all as required to facilitate the purposes of the Purchase and Sale Agreements.


On March 10, 2020, your Board adopted Resolution No. 077294, which adopted plans and specifications, including conformance with general prevailing wages as established by the U.S Department of Labor on federally funded projects and calling for sealed bids for the above-mentioned project.



On Wednesday, April 8, 2020, bids were accepted for this project and subsequently referred to Public Works for checking and recommendation. The lowest bidder withdrew their bid on the grounds of a clerical error. The second lowest bidder was subsequently disqualified because the Contractor did not comply with essential requirements for qualifications and experience.  The bid of:


Resource Environmental, Inc.,

 6634 Schilling Avenue

Long Beach, CA 90805


at $283,000 was the lowest responsible bid received for the work.  The Engineer’s estimate was $511,000.  A summary of the bids received is attached as Exhibit “A”.


FEMA completed an environmental review for the acquisition of the properties and demolition of the structures pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act requirements and determined this work to be categorically excluded pursuant to Categorical Exclusions N3 and N12. This work is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Statutory Exemption 15269, “Emergency Projects.” 


County Counsel has reviewed and approved the resolution as to form.



The total estimated cost for construction is $311,300, which includes authorization for up to $28,300 in change orders as the work is bid on a unit price basis. The contingency is used to pay the contractor for any unforeseen conditions not anticipated in the construction agreement documents.  Additional General Funds will be budgeted as part of a mid-year adjustment for this Capital Project Budget to finance the construction costs as the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding is on a reimbursable basis.  The County will be seeking HMGP reimbursements from FEMA during construction to reimburse up to 75 percent of the construction Project costs.


The Project is proposed to be financed as follows:


FEMA HMGP                                                                                                         $233,475.00

General Fund                                                                                                         $  77,825.00

                     Total Cost                                                                                                                              $311,300.00


Attachment:  Exhibit “A” - Summary of Bids Received