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File #: 25-195    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 2/19/2025 Departments: HUMAN RESOURCES
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Title: Adopt a resolution designating March 31, 2025, as a paid holiday for County Employees to honor Cesar Chavez Day pursuant to County Ordinance Code Section 2.71.110, and subject to its terms.
Attachments: 1. 20250311_r_Adding Cesar Chavez Holiday 2025.pdf
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Special Notice / Hearing:                         None__

      Vote Required:                         Majority


To:                      Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:                      Rocio Kiryczun, Human Resources Director

Michelle Kuka, Deputy Director, Human Resources


Subject:                      Resolution designating March 31, 2025, as a paid holiday for County employees to honor Cesar Chavez Day





Adopt a resolution designating March 31, 2025, as a paid holiday for County Employees to honor Cesar Chavez Day pursuant to County Ordinance Code Section 2.71.110, and subject to its terms.




The Cesar Chavez holiday celebrates the birth and legacy of the civil rights and labor movement activist Cesar Chavez on March 31 every year. Cesar Chavez paved a path for an equitable society that continues to inform and inspire people centered working conditions and place emphasis on the importance of employee benefits, health coverage, equitable wages, and access to healthy working conditions.


The Cesar Chavez holiday recognizes the contributions of Latinos and immigrants and the hopes of working people. The holiday also highlights the efforts of Latinos in the labor movement.


In 2000, the State of California made Cesar Chavez day an official holiday. San Mateo County Ordinance Code Section 2.71.110(b) provides that the Board of Supervisors has discretion to grant as a County holiday any holiday appointed by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of California.




The County of San Mateo is a welcoming community dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion in its services. The Cesar Chavez holiday is a significant opportunity for reflection and time for community engagement/service that uplifts historically marginalized communities and work towards bridging equity gaps and advocating for dignity of all County of San Mateo communities and across our nation.


By honoring this holiday, the County reaffirms our commitment to honoring the history of labor rights that normalized and granted access to collective bargaining and unionization practices within traditionally underrepresented communities in California and nationwide.


The County has recently adopted new Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with several labor groups and Resolutions for unrepresented employees where Cesar Chavez Day was added as a new paid County holiday, and this resolution will not impact those employees. However, the following labor groups and unrepresented employees would not be eligible for the Cesar Chavez holiday on March 31, 2025: Probation and Detention Association, Union of American Physicians and Dentists, California Nurses Association, Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Organization of Sheriff’s Sergeants, Deputy Sheriff’s Association Law Enforcement Unit, and Building and Construction Trades. This resolution only applies to regular or limited term employees. Many of these groups may negotiate to include Cesar Chavez day during their next MOU negotiations, but for this year only, it is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution authorizing the County to designate March 31, 2025, as a paid holiday for County employees to honor Cesar Chavez Day pursuant to County Ordinance Code Section 2.71.110, and subject to its terms. 


The resolution has been approved as to form by the County Attorney’s Office.



The cost of the additional holiday is estimated at $1,187,896. The cost estimates are already accounted for in department budgets.