Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Lisa Mancini, Interim Director, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services and Director, Aging and Adult Services
Subject: Agreement with Helios Healthcare, LLC for Residential Rehabilitation and Long-Term Care Services
Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Helios Healthcare, LLC for residential rehabilitation and long-term care services, increasing the amount by $139,430 to an amount not to exceed $2,749,880 with no change to the agreement term.
Helios Healthcare, LLC (Helios) is a provider of mental health services in a locked facility setting. Helios provides neurobehavioral, psychosocial rehabilitation, adult residential, wellness recovery action planning, and health and wellness programs. Helios’ services include behavior modification, skilled nursing, life skills training, recreation and rehabilitation, neurobehavioral support, dementia and Alzheimer’s care, behavior intervention, vocational and pre-vocational training, and self-advocacy.
Since 1988, Helios has been providing services to San Mateo County residents as a sister company to Crestwood Behavioral Healthcare, which also contracts with the County to provide specialized mental health services. Under the B-1 Administrative Memorandum, the selection of providers for long-term locked facility services is exempt from the Request for Proposals requirement.
In August 2021, this Board approved an agreement with Helios for the term of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2024, for an amount not to exceed $2,610,450.
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) recently received notice that Helios rates will be increased. As a result, BHRS is recommending an amendment to update the rates and increase the total maximum amount of the agreement.
Helios will continue to provide services to both the BHRS and Aging and Adult Services (AAS) divisions of San Mateo County Health. Helios provides up to 13 beds for BHRS clients who are seriously mentally ill and in need of mental health rehabilitation, treatment and long-term care. Helios provides up to six skilled nursing facility beds for AAS clients who are probate dementia conservatees and who require a locked long-term treatment setting. Services provided through this agreement continue to offer an alternative to the use of more costly hospital emergency services, inpatient hospital admissions, and correctional facilities.
The resolution contains the County’s standard provision allowing amendment of the County’s fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate).
The amendment and resolution have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney as to form.
It is anticipated that 67% of clients will be maintained at a current or lower level of care.
Measure |
FY 2022-21 Actual |
FY 2022-23 Estimated |
Percentage of clients maintained at current or lower level of care |
67% 4 clients |
67% 4 clients |
The term of the amended agreement is July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. The amount of the amended agreement is not to exceed $2,749,880 for the three-year term. The amendment increases the maximum amount of the agreement by $139,430, of which $69,715 is included in the BHRS FY 2022-23 Recommended Budget. Of this amount, it is anticipated that 1991 Realignment will fund $125,487 of the increase. The remaining $13,943 will be Net County Cost.
Similar arrangements will be made for future years.