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File #: 20-590    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Memo Status: Passed
File created: 7/10/2020 Departments: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT 4
On agenda: 8/4/2020 Final action: 8/4/2020
Title: Recommendation for appointments and reappointment to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, each for a term ending June 30, 2024: A) William Kelly, reappointment representing Older Adults, for a second full term; and B) John Langbein, appointment representing Bicycle Transportation, for an initial partial term; and C) Elaine Salinger, appointment as an At-Large member, for an initial partial term.
Sponsors: Warren Slocum

Special Notice / Hearing:                         None__

      Vote Required:                         Majority


To:                      Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:                      Supervisor Warren Slocum, District 4

Subject:                      Appointments and Reappointment to the San Mateo County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee




Recommendation for appointments and reappointment to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, each for a term ending June 30, 2024:


A)                     William Kelly, reappointment representing Older Adults, for a second full term; and


B)                     John Langbein, appointment representing Bicycle Transportation, for an initial partial term; and


C)                     Elaine Salinger, appointment as an At-Large member, for an initial partial term.




The responsibility of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is to advise and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, to develop and implement an annual work plan, and to provide a public forum for input from the members of the public including identifying unmet needs. The Committee acts as an advocate for people walking and bicycling, and fulfills other duties and engages in other activities as directed by the Board of Supervisors.  Committee membership consists of five voting members who shall be residents of the County of San Mateo and who regularly walk and/or ride a bicycle for transportation purposes.  One member shall represent the interests of the Safe Routes to School Community; one member shall represent the interests of Older Adults; one shall represent the interests of Bicycling Transportation; and the two remaining seats shall be At-Large. 



William Kelly has served on the BPAC since its inception and is being recommended to serve his second 4-year term, representing the interests of Older Adults. William is a resident of District 3, and has served as the BPAC Chair for one year and the BPAC Vice Chair for another.  He has been active in helping the committee define its mission and assist in moving projects forward.  He has been particularly involved in the Sand Hill/Alameda and the Dumbarton Corridor initiatives. William desires to help the County make real progress in facilitating active transportation during the next 4 years and appreciates the opportunity to continue to serve on the BPAC.


John Langbein has served as a First Alternate on BPAC since July 2018, and is being recommended to serve as a member in the Bicycle Transportation position vacated by Natalie Gore, whose term ended June 30, 2020 and has resigned. John has extensive experience serving on BPACs, and is a resident of District 3.  He served on the C/CAG Bicycle Advisory Committee from 1989 to 1997 and has served on the Atherton BPAC since 2015.  In addition, he currently sits on the County’s Santa Cruz/Alameda de las Pulgas Task Force as the sole bicycle representative. John learned a considerable amount about the design of bicycle facilities while serving on TDA Article 3 grant application evaluation committees. John’s primary transportation mode for his commute trip to work for approximately 45 years has been by bicycle and he is very aware of the impact that different types of infrastructure can have on bicyclists.  He has been an active participant at the County’s BPAC meetings, which he regularly attends in which he actively contributes. 

Elaine Salinger has served as a Second Alternate on BPAC since April 2018. A vacancy opened for the At-Large position formerly held by Dianna Butcher, whose term ended June 30, 2020 and has resigned. Elaine’s District 1 representation and experience adds to the district diversity of voting members on the Committee.  Elaine has been an active participant and her contribution in discussions at meetings, which she regularly attends, has been well received by other BPAC members.  She has written articles for local newsletters, local news media, and posts on bike email lists as well as on Nextdoor pertaining to active transportation. She strives to stay informed and build support for safe bike lanes in the County, particularly in the vicinity of the San Mateo Highlands where she resides.

In addition to this recommendation, a future item will be brought to this Board pertaining to the fulfillment of two BPAC vacancies and clarification of the requirements of the BPAC regarding geographic representation of members and alternates per Resolutions 073998 and 074494. 


