Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Scott Gilman, Director, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Subject: Agreement with Our Common Ground, Inc. for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services
Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Our Common Ground, Inc. for substance use disorder treatment services, for the term July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $3,758,357.
For over 20 years, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) has contracted with Our Common Ground, Inc. (OCG) to provide substance use disorder outpatient and residential treatment services to San Mateo County adults with substance abuse and addiction problems.
In April 2016, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the Federal Government approved the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) waiver for substance use disorder treatment services. In February 2017, OCG began providing services under the DMC-ODS waiver, which allowed OCG and other providers to bill for many more services than they were previously able to.
Through the DMC-ODS waiver, OCG continues to provide outpatient and residential treatment services to adult County residents. Services include individual therapy, individual counseling, group therapy, anger management, family therapy, and room and board. OCG’s treatment approach is a strength-based Modified Therapeutic Community Model, which values relationships and views the clients in light of their competencies rather than their deficiencies. Success is based upon individual progress in treatment, while concentrating on academic and vocational pursuits.
Through the Mental Health Diversion Grant Program, OCG shall provide residential treatment services to San Mateo County residents that are not eligible for Drug Medi-Cal or other health care insurance but are in need of services. These services include individual therapy, individual counseling, group therapy, anger management, family therapy, and room and board.
DHCS continues to require changes in service delivery and reporting requirements of substance use disorder treatment services through the DMC-ODS waiver. Due to these changes, BHRS is requesting that your Board waive the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for substance use disorder treatment services for one year, allowing BHRS time to finalize the implementation of DMC-ODS waiver-related changes to this and all other BHRS substance use related contracts. In late 2021, BHRS will release an RFP for substance use disorder treatment services to start on July 1, 2022.
The resolution contains the County’s standard provision allowing amendment of the County’s fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate).
The agreement and resolution have been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form. This agreement has been delayed due to prolonged contract negotiations and is on the Continuing Resolution.
Successful treatment discharge occurs when a program participant completes his/her treatment/recovery plan or when a participant is transferred to the next appropriate level of care. It is anticipated that 70% of program participants will achieve a successful treatment discharge.
Measure |
FY 2020-21 Actual |
FY 2021-22 Estimated |
Percentage of program participants who achieve a successful treatment discharge |
70% 49 participants |
70% 49 participants |
The term of the agreement is July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. The amount of the agreement is not to exceed $3,758,357 for the one-year term and will be included in the BHRS FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget. Of this amount, the Mental Health Services Act will fund $35,281, Federal Financial Participation for Drug Med-Cal will fund $1,641,487, Substance Abuse and Prevention Treatment Block Grant will fund $273,552, 2011 Realignment will fund $597,414, Diversion Grant Program will fund $210,000 and AB 109 will fund $327,560. The Net County Cost is $673,063.