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File #: 25-109    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/6/2024 Departments: COUNTY EXECUTIVE
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute an agreement between the La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District and the County of San Mateo for the consolidation of the Pescadero High School water system into the County Service Area No. 11 Water System.
Attachments: 1. 20250211_r_Pescadero Consolidation Agreement.pdf, 2. 20250211_a_Consolidation Agreement.pdf

Special Notice / Hearing:                         None__

      Vote Required:                         Majority


To:                      Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:                      Michael P. Callagy, County Executive

Justin W. Mates, Deputy County Executive

Subject:                      Consolidation Agreement between La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District and the County of San Mateo




Adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute an agreement between the La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District and the County of San Mateo for the consolidation of the Pescadero High School water system into the County Service Area No. 11 Water System.




The La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District (District) operates the Pescadero Middle/High School (School), located at 360 Butano Cutoff, Pescadero, CA 94060, and the Pescadero High School Community Water System No. CA4100513, which solely serves the School.

The School previously relied upon groundwater through one existing on-site well to serve its potable water needs. In 2017, the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board), Division of Drinking Water, cited the School’s well for exceeding maximum allowed nitrate and coliform contaminant levels. The School currently relies on bottled water for potable water needs. Past attempts to drill new wells on the school site have failed due to insufficient water quality and quantity.

In partnership with the District, the County plans to extend the County Service Area No. 11 (CSA-11) water system to provide potable water to the Property through the Pescadero High School CSA-11 Water Line Extension Project (Project). The Project includes: construction of a water main from the existing CSA-11 system to the School, seven new hydrants along the extension, a new water service meter near the School’s property boundary line, a backflow prevention device on the property, a waterline connecting the water service meter to the School’s existing on-site water distribution system, and the physical isolation of the School’s existing on-site well and existing system components.


The County has received Expedited Drinking Water Grant (EDWG) funding from the Water Board to design and construct the Project. As a requirement of receiving EDWG funding to extend the waterline, the District and County must enter into a consolidation agreement that identifies the ownership and responsibilities for the State-funded project components and the details of the agreement for CSA-11 to commence water service to the School.



Upon completion of the Project and connection of water service to the School, the School will become a customer of the CSA-11 water system, and the District will cease to operate water system no. CA4100513. The State of California supports the consolidation of smaller systems with larger, public systems.


Under the terms of the proposed consolidation agreement, the roles and responsibilities of the County, CSA-11, and the District are as follows:

                     The County shall be responsible for: construction of the waterline from the existing CSA-11 water system to the School to connect to the School’s existing on-site water distribution system; isolation of the School’s existing on-site well from its potable water distribution system; disinfection and testing of current School water distribution system prior to water delivery to ensure there will be no contamination; and payment of buy-in charges to CSA-11, including the connection fee and meter deposit.

                     Upon Project completion, CSA-11 shall own, operate, maintain, and repair the waterline extension from the existing CSA-11 system up to and including the new water meter and new fire hydrants. CSA-11 shall be responsible for distributing and delivering water to a single connection at the School; billing and collecting water service-related payment from the School; and handling and resolving any water service-related questions and disputes with the School.

                     Upon Project completion, the School shall own and be responsible for operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of the on-site water distribution system that solely serves the School, and for the waterline connection between the water meter and the water distribution system.



The onsite water system that currently serves students and staff at the School does not meet State water quality standards. The County Project to extend CSA-11 water service to the School will advance equity by providing potable water service where it does not currently exist. This consolidation agreement is a requirement to receive grant funding to pay for the Project.



Per the proposed consolidation agreement, the County shall pay CSA-11 buy-in charges, connection fee, and meter deposit-costs that are reimbursable under EDWG funding. The School shall pay all costs of its water usage and meter charges. There is no net County cost.