Special Notice / Hearing: None
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Supervisor Jackie Speier, District 1
Supervisor David Canepa, District 5
Subject: Establishment of a Code of Conduct for Members of the Board of Supervisors
Adopt a resolution establishing a Code of Conduct for members of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors.
Codes of conduct are common among the governing bodies of California local agencies. A number of city councils, school district boards of trustees and county boards of supervisors have adopted codes of conduct, as have the California State Senate and United States House of Representatives.
The Ethics Compliance Initiative has stated the following with respect to codes of conduct: “A well-written code of conduct clarifies an organization’s mission, values, and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. The code articulates the values the organization wishes to foster in leaders and employees and, in doing so, defines desired behavior. As a result, written codes of conduct or ethics can become benchmarks against which individual and organizational performance can be measured.”
The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors does not currently have a Code of Conduct.
Given the foregoing, Supervisor Speier believes that it is appropriate for the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors to adopt a code of conduct. Supervisor Speier discussed the matter with Vice-President Canepa, and he agreed and asked to co-sponsor the item. Accordingly, they are jointly presenting a proposed Code of Conduct, included with the resolution accompanying this memorandum, for the Board of Supervisors’ consideration.
The stated purpose of the Code of Conduct is to enhance public confidence in the integrity, effectiveness, respectfulness, and fairness of the Board and of San Mateo County government. It provides a framework for Board members’ performance of their official duties and sets forth standards and practices that build trust and establish and sustain collegiality and positive relations among Board members and between Board members and staff.
The Code articulates the Board’s commitment to the highest ideals of integrity and its recognition that advancing the public interest and betterment of the community are its members’ primary concern. It establishes ten over-arching principles addressing purpose, ethics, equal opportunity, courtesy, collective action, collaboration, communication, confidentiality, and legal compliance.