Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Ann M. Stillman, Interim Director of Public Works
Subject: On-Call Job Order Contract Agreements and Adoption of the Job Order Contracts Task Catalog
Adopt a resolution:
A) Adopting the construction task catalog, specifications, and conformance with prevailing wage scale requirements for Job Order Contracts - Painting Contracting Services; and
B) Authorizing agreements with Olympos Painting, Inc. and Angeles Contractor, Inc. for Job Order Contract Painting Contracting Services, for the term of November 17, 2021 through November 16, 2022, each in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000; and
C) Authorizing the Director of Public Works, or the Director’s designee, to issue Work/Job Orders, execute change/revision orders, and make financial and administrative changes to the executed Job Order Contract agreements.
On November 19, 2013, this Board adopted Resolution No. 072896, which authorized a streamlined process for Job Order Contracts (JOCs) to allow for the preparation of task catalogs, specifications, and bid documents in conformance with prevailing wage scale requirements for JOCs, which may be adopted by this Board at the time the resulting contract is considered for award.
Public Contract Code Section 20128.5 authorizes the Board of Supervisors to award individual annual JOCs for repair, remodeling, or other repetitive work to be done according to unit prices, in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 (adjusted annually based on changes in the California Consumer Price Index “CPI”). Since the statute was enacted in 1997, the application of the CPI has resulted in a current maximum amount of up to $5,000,000 for annual JOCs. Contractors bid adjustment factors are to be applied to the Unit Prices for specific items of work. The cost of an individual project is determined by multiplying the preset Unit Prices by the appropriate quantities of work and adjustment factors.
The Task Catalogs and Specifications were approved by the Director of Public Works in July 2021 and called for two JOCs for Painting Services.
The Department of Public Works (Department) has successfully used JOCs as a project delivery method since 2009 for a wide variety of maintenance and capital improvement projects. The Painting Services JOC will help ensure that a greater number of projects will be completed on time and within budget. The Department provided notice inviting sealed proposals for Painting Services JOCs, which was published two times in local newspapers in San Mateo County. Notice was also posted to various regional on-line Plan Rooms.
On August 18, 2021, a mandatory pre-bid meeting was held virtually with six painting contractors in attendance. On Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 2:30 p.m., sealed bids were received, accepted and subsequently referred to the Department in consideration for the Painting Services JOCs. Eligible licensed contractors were able to bid on the two JOCs by submitting a single proposal and the lowest responsible bidder selected on one contract is ineligible for the successive contract.
The Department received two bids for JOC Painting Services. The Department has examined the bids received for the subject JOCs and determined the lowest responsive and responsible bidders for each JOC. The Department recommends two contractors for JOC Painting Services.
The Department will issue individual Work Orders including a scope of work and a not- to-exceed amount to the contractor(s). The not-to-exceed amount for each individual Work Order will vary; however, the cumulative sum will not exceed the maximum amount of the respective Agreement(s). Any increase above the amount or term of the agreement(s) would be submitted to this Board for consideration.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the resolution and agreements as to form.
The terms of these agreements are from November 17, 2021 through November 16, 2022. The total maximum fiscal obligation for each agreement is $1,000,000 for JOC Painting Services with a total maximum fiscal obligation for all agreements combined at $2,000,000. Total cost for the various individual Job Order Contracts is included in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget.
There is no impact to the General Fund.
Attachment: Exhibit A - Bid Results